The story of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the origin of the great Russian princes, the recent turmoil made there by the three Fals...

Petrei de Herlesund, Peter (1570-1622).    
The story of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the origin of the great Russian princes, the recent troubles made there by the three False Dimitries and about Moscow's laws, customs, government, faith and rites, which was assembled and promulgated in Leipzig in 1620 by Peter Petrey de Erlesund / translated from German by A. N. Shemyakin. - Moscow: at the University Printing Works (Katkov and Co.), 1867. - XII, 574, [4] p. -
С. 455-474 are erroneously numbered 555-574. Index of personal and local names in the description of the Grand Duchy of Russia: p. 455-574. - MOGNB copy: p. I, 454 - stamp "The Library of E. K. Deryagina, former Vivien"; from. 1 - stamp "B-ka F. Ushakova in Moscow."
I. Shemyakin, Alexey Nikolaevich (1817-1887). II. Erlesund, Peter Petrey de. Overcoming the Troubles in Russia (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Russia-Germany: from the history of relationships (collection). 5. "Troubled Time" - Reviews of foreigners. 6. Russia - History - Reviews of foreigners - 15 - 17 centuries .. 7. Russia - Life and morals.
ББК 63.3 (2) 4
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: MOGNB
Publisher в Университетской типографии (Катков и К)
Catalogue object