Comments on the Synchronous Russian-American Tender on the Chukchi Sea Shelf. eng |
Comments on the simultaneous Russian-American tender on the shelf of the Chukchi Sea: [compilation] / Ros. acad. sciences. The Far East. separation. North-East. sci. Centre ; [trans. TN Velikody; Ed. member-cor. RAS K.V. Simakov]. - Magadan: SVNC DVO RAN, 1996. - 45 p. ; 28. 100 copies.
1. Territory (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Oil - Offshore deposits - Development - Economic problems - Chukchi Sea - Documents and materials. 4. United States of America - Economic Relations - Russian Federation - Far East - Documents and materials. 5. Russian Federation - Economic Relations - The Far East - United States of America - Documents and Materials. |
ББК 66.4 (2Рос), 9 (7Сое), 33
Source of electronic copy: Magadan OUNB The original storage area: Magadanskaya OUNB