A brief description of the performance of the famous family of St. George's Romanov, and the life of the great sovereign, the mo...

  Juvenal  (Voeikov, Ivan Grigorievich, hegumen, 1729-1807).    
A brief description of the performance of the famous family of St. George's Romanov, and the life of the great sovereign, the most holy Philaret Nikitich, the patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. / Out of the church and various historical printed books, the old man Yuvenaly, from the name Voeikov, in the summer from the creation of the world 7306, from the Christmas according to the flesh of God, the word 1798, the indicator A. I. - Moscow: Univ. type., in Chr. Ridiger and Chr. Claudia, [1798]. - 42 p., 1 l. portrait, 1 liter. yl. ; 8. -
Judging by the footnote on p.19, with the book. there should have been a portrait. Filaret, however, in the copies stored in the libraries. this portraiture. no. In the department. copies. there are portraits. Paul I and Juvenal.
There are 2 var. Var.1 - with dedication. led. book. Alexander Pavlovich. Var.2 - instead of consecrated. glued an engraving. with the image of a hand with a goose feather.
SK 18th .
1. Filaret (Romanov Fyodor Nikitich, patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, ca. 1554/5 - 1633). 2. Romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917). 3. Power (collection). 4. Time of Troubles in Russia (collection). 5. Russia in the faces (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 44-303
BBK 63.3 (2) 44-37
BBK 86.372д
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher Унив. тип., у Хр. Ридигера и Хр. Клаудия
Catalogue object