Culture of Buryatia. 1932, No. 4

Culture of Buryatia: popular science magazine on cultural and social issues: the organ of the Institute of Culture and the Institute of Health B.-M. Of the ASSR . - Verkhneudinsk: Burgosizdat, 1932-
1932, No. 4. - Contribution: National-cultural construction of Buryatia for the XVth Anniversary of the October Revolution / N.Ye. Egunov. A few historical notes about the Karyrin fishermen / P. Gilev. Medical literature on Buryatia in the light of the letter of Comrade Stalin / M. K. Kharakhinov. Munke Saridak / G. Dagurov. Lenin in the folklore of the Buryat-Mongols / S. P. Baldaev. Higher pedagogical education in Buryatia. Kudryavtsev. In Buryat-Mongolia an alliance of Soviet writers and art workers was organized. V. Litvinenko. The history of Bremremzavod construction will be written / P. Siberian. Anniversary exhibition for the tenth anniversary of Buryatia .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Buryatia - Culture - Periodicals.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос.Бур) 614-7я52
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Buryatia
Location on
bulletins: НБ Респ. Buryatia
Publisher Бургосиздат
Catalogue object