Ladoga fortress. From behind the wall you can see the church of St. George of the 12th century

Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957).    
Ladoga fortress. From behind the wall you can see the church of St. George of the 12th century [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [photo] / photographer VD Soloviev. - Electronic data (1 file: 3.7 MB). - Old Ladoga, July 10, 2013. - (Photo Series "On the way from the Varangians to the Greeks." Old Ladoga - the first capital of Russia "). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
Information about the photo is provided by the author. Place and date of survey: p. . Staraya Ladoga, July 10, 2013
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Pictured:. Because the walls of the fortress of Staraya Ladoga visible Church. George of the 12th century .
1. Church of Sts. George (Old Ladoga) - Photographs. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Leningrad Region (collection). 4. Staroladozhskaya fortress (Leningrad region) - Photographs. 5. Architectural photographs.
BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Len) 64-7ya611

79.147.16ya611 BBK BBK 85.118.25ya611
Source of electronic copy: From private collection
Place for keeping the original: From private collection
Catalogue object