Фотосерия "На пути из варяг в греки. Старая Ладога - первая столица Руси" / фот. В. Д. Соловьев
Фотосерия "На пути из варяг в греки. Старая Ладога - первая столица Руси" / фот. В. Д. Соловьев
A. N. Kirpichnikov shows journalists the items found on the site of excavations and tells about the history of their discovery
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). A. N. Kirpichnikov shows the journalists the items found at the excavation sites and tells about the history of their discovery. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Anatoly Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Anatoly Nikolayevich Kirpichnikov. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Anatoly Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov among journalists
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Anatoly Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov among journalists. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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In the Ladoga fortress. Intracriminal passages
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). In the Ladoga fortress. Intracranial passages. Old Ladoga, July 10, 2013.
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Ladoga fortress. From behind the wall you can see the church of St. George of the 12th century
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Ladoga fortress. From behind the wall you can see the church of St. George of the 12th century. Old Ladoga, July 10, 2013.
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A bridge across the Ladozhka River near the Ladoga Fortress. View of Staraya Ladoga village
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). A bridge across the Ladozhka River near the Ladoga Fortress. View of the village of Staraya Ladoga. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Finds from excavations in the Old Ladoga. Antique Printing
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Finds from excavations in the Old Ladoga. Ancient seal. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Finds from excavations in the Old Ladoga. Vintage decoration
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Finds from excavations in the Old Ladoga. Vintage ornaments. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Finds from the excavations in Staraya Ladoga: quartz articles, silver ingots used for calculations instead of money and other items, including jewelry
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Findings from the excavations in Staraya Ladoga: quartz items, silver bars used for calculations instead of money and other items, including ornaments. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Finds from the excavations in Staraya Ladoga: amber and quartz products, hair combs, ornaments, antique seals
Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957). Finds from excavations in Staraya Ladoga: amber and quartz products, hair combs, ornaments, antique seals. Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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