Finds from excavations in the Old Ladoga. Antique Printing

Soloviev, Vladimir Dmitrievich (photographer, 1957).    
Finds from excavations in the Old Ladoga. Ancient printing [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [photo] / photographer VD Soloviev. - Electronic data (1 file: 2.8 MB). - The Old Ladoga, August 2, 2008. - (Photo Series "On the way from the Varangians to the Greeks." Old Ladoga - the first capital of Russia "). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
Information about the photo is provided by the author. Place and date of survey: p. Staraya Ladoga, August 2, 2008.
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Pictured: An ancient seal of the late 11th-early 12th centuries period discovered in the Old Ladoga excavations. On the seal is an inscription - Feodor (from the explanation of archaeologists - "The Annunciation, Fyodor Stratilat." The Great Martyr Fyodor Stratilat, according to one version, is the native father of St. George the Victorious.) And St. Theodore in the 11th century, Bishop of Suzdal, according to legend, turned to Christ the inhabitants of Rostov and Suzdal lands) .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Leningrad Region (collection). 3. Seals of the Old Russian - Photos. 4. Old Ladoga, village (Leningrad region) - Archaeological research - Photographs.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Лен) 64-7я611
ББК 63.48 (2Рос-4Лен) -419я611
Source of electronic copy: From private collection
Place for keeping the original: From private collection
Catalogue object