International economic agreements of France // World economy and world politics. № 9 (September)

Lyubimova, Valentina Vasilievna (Doctor of Economics).    
International economic agreements of France / V.Lyubimova. -
Bibliography in footnotes.
// World economy and world politics: monthly journal / Institute of World Economy and World Politics of the USSR Academy of SciencesMoscow: True, 1924-1947. - No. 9 (September). - 1945. - P. 74-79 .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. World War II - Consequences - 1939 - 1945. 4. International Relations - 1939 - 1945. 5. France - Economic History.
BBC 63.3 (4FR) 62-2
BBK 63.3 (0) 62-2
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The place where the original was stored: BEN RAS
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