Moscow tragedy, or a story about the life and death of Dimitry

Moscow tragedy, or a story about the life and death of Dimitri: with a snapshot from the main page of the Latin script of 1608 / trans. with latin. A. Braudo and I. Roscius; the publication of Count SD Sheremetev. - S.-Petersburg: Printing house "VS Balashov and Co.", 1901. - [2], XVIII, 72 p. ; 25 cm. -
Introduction: A. Braudo.
Alleged Authors: Casper Ens and Gerard Grevenbruch.
The text of "The Story" par. on rus. and latin. yaz. .
I. Enns, Caspar. II. Grevenbruch, Gerard. III. Roscius, And .. IV. Braudo, Alexander Isaevich (1864-1924). V. Sheremetev, Sergey Dmitrievich (1844-1918). 1. False Dmitry I (? - 1606). 2. Russia in the faces (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Power (collection). 5. Time of Troubles in Russia (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 44-8
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher Типография "В. С. Балашов и К"
Catalogue object