About the made order to the release of the Persian courts from payment of customs and ship duties in the Caspian ports

    Russia. Caucasian Committee.
About the made order to the liberation of the Persian ships from payment of customs and ship duties in the Caspian ports [Delo]: December 29, 1845 - March 26, 1846 - 1845. - 11, [1] sheets. - (Fund of the Caucasian Committee, Inventory No. 1). -
Handwritten text. Ink.
Original title: Case of the Chancellery of the Caucasian Committee. About the made order to the release of the Persian ships from payment of customs and ship duties in the Caspian ports: December 29, 1845 - March 26, 1846
The case contains documents related to the consideration of the issue of the release of Persian vessels from customs and ship duties in ports Caspian Sea: relations of the governor of the Caucasus, relations with the Minister of Finance FP Vronchenko and other documents .
I. Russia. Caucasian Committee. Chancery. II. The Caucasian Committee. Territory (collection). 2. Development of Russia's foreign trade: history and current status (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. The Caspian region (collection). 5. Customs policy - Russia - 1825-1855 - Documents and materials. 6. Customs duties - Russia - 19th century. - Documents and materials. 7. Russia - Foreign trade - Iran - 19th century. - Documents and materials. 8. Iran - Foreign trade - Russia - 19th century. - Documents and materials.
BBK 63.3 (2) 521.2-64 (5Irn) 5y1
BBK 65.428 (2) y1
ББК 65.03 (2) 52ю1
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1268. Op. 1. D. 908.
Catalogue object