On the opening of steamships on the Caspian Sea with Persia and on the reduction of quarantine terminals in Astrakhan

    Russia. Caucasian Committee.
About the opening of steamships along the Caspian Sea with Persia and the reduction of quarantine terminals of Astrakhan [Delo]: June 23, 1846 - April 29, 1848 - 1846 - 1848. - 28 sheets. - (Fund of the Caucasian Committee, Inventory No. 2. 1833-1882). -
Original title of the case: About the opening of steamships along the Caspian Sea with Persia and the reduction of the quarantine terminal in Astrakhan: June 23, 1846 - April 29, 1848
Handwritten text. Inks.
Film .
1. The Caspian region (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Maritime navigation - Monopolies - Russia - Documents and materials. 4. The Caspian Sea - Sea Routes - Documents and Materials.
BBC 63.3 (2,961) 521 I11
BBK 39.411.1 (2,961) y11
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1268. Op. 2. D. 302.
Catalogue object