Liberation of Smolensk

  Svechinsky, Ivan N  (playwright).    
Liberation of Smolensk: a drama in three acts with choirs, military evolutions and ballet / [I. N. Svechinsky]. - 30 liters. -
On the tit. l. aut. Not listed.
On 2nd year: Her Serene Highness Princess Ekaterina Ilinishne Golenischeva-Kutuzova Smolenskaya devotes herself with the deepest veneration.
Written in hand ink, text on both sides of the sheet. - On the tit. l. handwritten litter: Permitted No. 28 April 30, 1813. - Copy of the St. Petersburg State Theater Library with stamps: Library Imper. St. Petersburg. theaters - stamp round black; Central Library. The Directorate of the Imperial Theaters is a round red stamp.
03.05.1813: Report of the censor: "Victor and Erast are the children of retired Major Joseph, who at first disagree on their opinions about military service, finally agree unanimously that there is nothing more noble for the nobleman , how to be the protector of the Fatherland and the Sovereign At this time his brother Samson, captain of the hussar regiment, comes to Joseph with joyful news that the children of Joseph are accepted into the service of ensigns and demands that they go to the army, not far from their village located. But Joseph and his wife, Olympia, do not want to part with their children, having already experienced experience, it is so painful for the heart of the parents to hear sometimes about the death of their sons, which happened when they killed their eldest son, but the parents' above all a love for the Fatherland, for Russia, for the country in the world of sacred.Meanwhile, distant cannon shots announce the preparation for battle and the captain with the young champions flies on the field of honor, and Joseph and Olympia remain in grievous mourning, Such a fate befalleth their children. But in a few hours their house becomes a sight of universal joy, when Victor, Erast and captain come back with the news that the victory crowned the Russian arms with immortal glory and that Smolensk is released. To the full of joy, they learn that the wounded officer, Felix, whom Joseph had hated before, is the savior of one of his sons who tore down the enemy banner. Out of gratitude to Felix, Joseph gives his ward Sophia, who long ago believed her happiness in this union. Directly behind the play follows the ballet expressing the triumph of the soldiers who won the famous victory over the enemy. As the moral goal and the sublimity of the feelings of the actors driving love for the Fatherland, and the fun with which this play is made, it delivers it far beyond any known dramatic works, like circumstances. "RGIA Foundation 780. Inventory 1. No. 95-95 on , 96. - The premiere took place on June 13, 1813 in the Small (Wooden) Theater (St. Petersburg), September 22, 1814 at the Theater of Atraksin on Znamenka (Moscow). .
1. Patriotic War of 1812 (collection). 2. The Patriotic War - Fiction - Smolensk, the city - 1812. 3. Plays Russian - 19 - beg. 20th centuries.
ББК 63.3 (28-8Смо) 521.1
ББК 63.3 (2) 521.1-686
ББК 84 (2Рос = Рус) 1
Electronic copy source: PB
Original storage: St. Petersburg. state. Theater. b-ka
Catalogue object