Chepel, Alexander Ivanovich (candidate of historical sciences).
The problems of the Swedish-Russian borderland and the Swedish border policy in 1617-1661. : (based on the materials of Russian archives): the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.03 / Chepel Alexander Ivanovich; [Ros. state. ped. un-t them. A.I. Herzen]. - St. Petersburg, 2011. - 24 p. - Location of protection: Ros. state. ped. un-t them. A.I. Herzen. - Bibliography: p. 23-24 (13 titles) and in the footnote. note.
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1. Power (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. General history (the corresponding period). 4. Borders (state) - Russia - 1617-1661 - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Border policy - Sweden - 1617-1661 - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Sweden. |
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