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Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb
Samuel Georg Gmelin, doctor of medical science, Imp. Academy of Sciences, London, Harlem and Volnoye Economic Society member Journey through Russia for the exploration of the three kingdoms of nature: Translated from the German. - In St. Petersburg: Under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1771-1785 |
Part 2:
Travel from Cherkask to Astrakhan and stay in this city: from the beginning of August 1769 to the fifth of June 1770 / [trans. Sergey Moshkov]. - 1777. - 361, [1] c. 38 liters. yl., k.
1. Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb (1744 - 1774) - Memories, memos, etc. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Astrakhan region: pages of history (collection). 4. Astrakhan, the city - History - the 2nd floor. 18th in .. 5. Russia - Description and travel - Eastern European part - 2nd floor. 18 th in .. |
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