The Holy Prince Dimitry of Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker

The Holy Prince Dmitry of Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker. - Moscow: the publication of PA Glushkov, 1877. - 36 p. -
Ver. obl.: The murder of Dimitri Tsarevich in Uglich.
From the ed. 1872 sub-head. absent .
I. Glushkov, Peter Akimovich. 1. Dmitry Ivanovich (prince, 1582 - 1591) - Murder - Investigation. 2. Time of Troubles in Russia (collection). 3. Power (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 44-3
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher издание П. А. Глушкова
Catalogue object