Tyumen Province Chancellery.
The fairy tale of Tyumen peasants' peasants, clerk Gerasim Markeyev and the elder Patrikey Nesterov with the titmasters about the exiles from Moscow, Sanke Saltanov and Aksenka Mikhailov [The case]: 1671-1 1671. - 1 sheet. - (Tyumen Voivodeship Chancellery Fund, Inventory No. 1). - Handwritten text. Cursive. Ink. The end of the document is missing
1. Tyumen Province Chancellery - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Prison, penal servitude and exile - Russia - 17 - 18 centuries. - Documents and materials. 5. Tobolsk category - Documents and materials. |
BBC 67.3 (2) 51y11
Source of electronic copy: Gos. archive of the Tyumen region Location on map of the original: archive of the Tyumen region. F. I-47. Op. 1. D. 319.