Identifier d664bd18-3b24-453a-bfae-1f3e6e7cc1e9 Title 1906 Dates 1906 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1276 / 2 Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина Extent 644 единицы хранения Creator СССР. Совет министров Fonds The Council of Ministers (1905-1917) Contents О разработке мер по борьбе с революцией; о государственных преобразованиях; о рассмотрении законопроектов ведомств по всем вопросам государственного управления; переписка председателя Совета министров за 1906 г.( год заведения дела) File Записи с 1 по 5 из 37 5 102550 записей на страницу‹12345...8› Пожалуйста, подождите, идёт загрузка Д.341. On the introduction of a new management order and on the adoption of measures for the development and improvement of the Vladivostok commercial port. November 10, 1906 - July 29, 1911РГИА. 1276 / 2 / 156. On the allocation of a loan for the maintenance of the enhanced composition of the police in the mountains.Baku to fight strikes by workers on oil fields.May 30 - June 21.РГИА. 1276 / 2 / 187. On the attribution of the costs of the issuance of benefits to the families of police officers killed during the revolutionary events of 1906. October 26, 1906-13, 1907.РГИА. 1276 / 2 / 212. On the permission of Obukhovsky steel factory of the production of foreign orders of 1906, April 18-21.РГИА. 1276 / 2 / 253. According to the memorandum of the Russian Consul in Japan SM Minkovsky on the establishment of the Joint Stock Company "Association of Russian-Japanese Trade" Записи с 1 по 5 из 37 5 102550 записей на страницу‹12345...8› Display format Archival description RUSMARC