The index of the historical exhibition in commemoration of the three-year anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty

      Historical exhibition in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (Ryazan, 1913).
Index of the historical exhibition in commemoration of the three-year anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty / Ryazan Scientific Archive Commission. - [Ryazan]: printed in the Ryazan provincial printing house, 1913. - [6], 20 p. : ill. ; 23 centimeters .
I. Ryazan Scientific Archive Commission. 1. Romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917) - Jubilee - 1913 - Exhibition catalogs. 2. Power (collection). 3. House of the Romanovs (collection). 4. Russia in the Face (collection).
ББК 63.3 (2) 45-332-8Романовы (dynasty) л6
ББК 63.3 (2) 533-332-8Romanov (dynasty) л6
ББК 63.214 (2) -1л6
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the book: ROUNB
Publisher печатано в Рязанской губернской типографии
Catalogue object