Decrees of the Senate, selected according to the following. questions: the decrees of the Senate on the abolition of duties from...

      Russia. Commission of drafting laws.
Decrees of the Senate, selected according to the following. questions: the decrees of the Senate on the abolition of duties from contractual provisions (1714-1751), on the composition of a new code (1714-1765), on the establishment in Russia of spare shops (1720), on the Arkhangelsk port customs and trade (1755-1798) ), the order of the relationship between central and local institutions (no later than 1763), the privileges of suburban regiments (1765) Part 1. 1714-1768. [A business]. - 1714-1768. - 238 sheets. - (Fund Commission for drafting laws under the State Council, Inventory No. 1). -
Original title of the case: Decrees of the Senate, selected on the following issues: on the abolition of duties from contractual provisions (1714-1715 gg.); about the composition of the new code. Part I: 1714 - 1768.
The title of the foundation on the folder: The Foundation for the Drafting of Laws.
Handwritten text. Ink.
The case contains legislative acts dealing with a variety of issues of customs policy, trade development, legislative activity in the 18th century .
I. Commission for drafting laws under the State Council. 1. Russia. Senate - Activities - 1714 - 1768 - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. Development of foreign trade in Russia: history and current status (collection). 4. Legislation - Russia - the 18th century. - Documents and materials. 5. Foreign trade - Russia - 18th c. - Documents and materials. 6. Russia - Politics and Management - 18th c. - Documents and materials.
BBK 63.3 (2) 51-201-332 I1
ББК 65.03 (2) 51ю1
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1260. Op. 1. D. 508.
Catalogue object