Lobova, Tatiana Mikhailovna (Candidate of Philology).
Phenomenology of childhood in the creative work of M. Yu. Lermontov: the thesis abstract for a Candidate's Degree in Philology: specialty 10.01.01 / Lobova Tatiana Mikhailovna; GOU VPO "Ural State University named after AM Gorky". - Ekaterinburg, 2008. - 22 seconds. ; 21 cm. - List of references: p. 20-22 (15 titles) and in the footnotes. . - 100 copies.
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1. Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich (1814 - 1841). Compositions - Thematic. 2. Russia in the faces (collection). 3. Russian language (collection). 4. M. Yu. Lermontov: to the 200th anniversary of his birth (collection). |
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