View of the new church

View of the new church [Izomaterial] = La nouvelle église catholique: species photography. - Stockholm: Shareholder. Granberg Island, [the beginning. XX century.]. - Phototype; 12x18; 8,7x13,6. - View of the Church of St. Nicholas. In the foreground there are apartment houses. - Nested in the folder with zagl. "Кіев - Кіеv" with 23 other species photos. - The image is horizontal. - Built in the years 1899-1909. at the expense of the Catholic community of Kiev on Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya street. The idea of ​​an architectural solution in the style of neo-Gothic with high lancet towers belonged to the architect S. Volovsky, the architect V. Gorodetsky supervised the construction. During the construction of the church, for the first time in Europe, concrete pile piles were used, new construction materials were widely used - reinforced concrete, artificial granite, etc. Restored in 1979-1980. Since 1979, the National House of Organ and Chamber Music of Ukraine has been housed in the church building, and since the 1990s, - also the Roman Catholic parish of St. Nicholas .
1. Mykolaiv church (Kiev, city, Ukraine) - beginning. 20 cent. -- Photo. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Kiev - the beginning. 20 cent. - Species photo. 4. Photos are documentary.
1. The church. 2. city. 3. phototype
ББК 86.372 (4Укр-2Киев) 53я61
ББК 85.163 (4Укр)
Source of electronic copy: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine
Location of original material: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine
Publisher Акционер. О-во Гранберга
Catalogue object