Golden Gate

Gold Gate [Izomaterial] = Dorte Dorée: species photo. - Stockholm: Shareholder. Granberg Island, [the beginning. XX century.]. - Phototype; 12x18; 8,7x13,6. - View of the ruins of the Golden Gate from the front. - Nested in the folder with zagl. "Кіев - Кіеv" with 23 other species photos. - The image is horizontal. - Golden Gate - an outstanding monument of history, architecture, fortification equipment of the Kievan Rus epoch - a ceremonial entrance to the city of Yaroslav the Wise. On the construction of the Golden Gate is mentioned in the annals of 1037. During the centuries-old history repeatedly destroyed. The remains of the gate in the ХІХ century. (1832) were excavated by archaeologist K. Lokhvitsky. In 1837, the gates were fortified with buttresses and iron bars, and ordered the territory around them. In this form, the Golden Gate stood for about 150 years. In the early 1980's. reconstructed .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Kiev - early. 20 cent. - Species photo. 3. The Golden Gate (Kiev, city) - beg. 20 cent. -- Photo. 4. Photos are documentary.
1. The gate. 2. city. 3. phototype
ББК 63.3 (4Укр-2Киев) 533я61
ББК 85.163 (4Укр)
Source of electronic copy: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine
Location of original material: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine
Publisher Акционер. О-во Гранберга
Catalogue object