Author Михеев Иван Степанович Description Mikheev, Ivan Stepanovich (1876-). rus From the religious life of the Kazan votyaks / [I. Mikheev] .- Kazan: the type. Imp. un-ta, [1900] .- 10 s. ; 24 cm. - Auth. specified at the end of the text. l. and obl. . BBK 86.372 BBK 63.521 (= 664) -77 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher Тип. Имп. ун-та Catalogue object Православие Этнология современных народов Collections Russian People → Society → Ethnic composition → Ethnic groups → Ethnology of individual nations → UDMURTS Udmurt Republic: pages of history → The people → Religion → Christianity