- Paganism
Baptized Votyaks of the Kazan county
Miropolsky, Alexander Stepanovich Baptized Votyaks of the Kazan district. The Kazan: Type. Un-ta, [1876].Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Sketch 1. Ancient religion of the Votyaks on her tracks in modern legends
Pervukhin, Nikolai Grigorievich (1850-1889). Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Vyatka: The lip. type., 1888-1890.
Sketch 1: Ancient religion of the Votyaks on her tracks in modern legends. 1888.Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Sketch 2. Idol-sacrificial ritual of ancient Votyaks on his tracks in the stories of the elderly and in modern rituals
Первухин. Николай Григорьевич. 1850-1889. Эскизы преданий и быта инородцев Глазовского уезда. Вятка: Губернская типография, 1888-1889.
Эскиз 2: Идоложертвенный ритуал древних вотяков по его следам в рассказах стариков и в современных обрядах. 1888.Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Sketch 3. Traces of pagan antiquity in samples of works of oral folk poetry of the Votyaks (lyrical and didactic)
Pervukhin, Nikolai Grigorievich (1850-1889). Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Sketch 3: Traces of pagan antiquity in samples of works of oral folk poetry of the Votyaks (lyrical and didactic). Location Vyatka: Lip. type., 1888-1890. : Lip. stat. com., 1888.Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Sketch 4. Traces of pagan antiquity in samples of oral folk poetry of the Votyaks
Pervukhin, Nikolai Grigorievich (1850-1889). Sketches of legends and life of foreigners in Glazov Uyezd. Vyatka: The lip. type., 1888-1890.
Sketch 4: Traces of pagan antiquity in samples of oral folk poetry of the Votyaks. Vyatka: The lip. stat. com., 1889.Remains of paganism among the Votyaks
Верещагин, Григорий Егорович (1851-1930). Остатки язычества у вотяков. Вятка : издание Губернского статистического комитета, 1895.Pagan cult of the Votyaks
Блинов, Николай Николаевич (этнограф, писатель; 1839-1917). Языческий культ вотяков. Вятка : Губернская типография, 1898.Pagan customs and festivities near Votyakov Glazovsky district of the Vyatka province
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts in the Vyatka province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Vereshchagin, Grigory Egorovich (1851-1930).Pagan customs and festivities near Votyakov Glazovsky district of the Vyatka province.Are the Buddhists the Votyaks?
Mikheev, Ivan Stepanovich (1876-). Are the Buddhists a Bullock ?.
Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1901.Review of pagan rituals, superstitions and beliefs of the Votyaks of the Kazan and Vyatka gubernias
Grigory (Vasiliev, John). Review of pagan rituals, superstitions and beliefs of the Votyaks of the Kazan and Vyatka provinces.
Kazan: Typo-lit. Imp. University, 1906.Course in the ethnography of the Votyaks. Issue. 3. Remains of ancient beliefs and rituals of the Votyaks
Emelyanov. A.I.Kurs on ethnography of votyaks. [Kazan]: Kazan. The Votsky ed. Subdivision, 1921.
Issue. 3: Remains of ancient beliefs and rituals of the Votyaks. [1921]."Kuyaskam"
Manuscripts in the Vyatka province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Artemyev, V. Ya. Kuyaskam.Religious beliefs and rites of the Zakamsk Udmurts
Sadikov, Ranus Rafikovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences). Religious beliefs and rites of the Zakamsk Udmurts. Izhevsk, 2011.Udmurts. Culture and religion
Udmurts. Culture and religion. - Christianity
From the religious life of the Kazan Votyaks
Mikheev, Ivan Stepanovich (1876-). From the religious life of the Kazan votyaks. The Kazan: type. Imp. un-ta, [1900].... Christianity among the Votyaks in the first half of the XIX century
Luppov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1867-1949). ... Christianity among the Votyaks in the first half of the XIX century. Vyatka: The lip. type., 1911.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахHoly.Nikolai Molomin.Ethnographic information about the village of Sadinsky Glazovsky district.The manuscript represents the "report" of the Count of the village of Sadinsky to the dean of the village of Ukansky, where information about the arrival "in compliance with the decree from the Glazovsky Spiritual P
Holy.Nikolai Molomin.Ethnographic information about the village of Sadinsky Glazovsky district.The manuscript represents the "report" of the Count of the village of Sadinsky to the Dean of the village of Ukansky, where information is reported on the arrival of "Passing the Decree from the Glazovsky Spiritual Board of October 15, 1847" In the application "The conversation of the two peasants who came to the village of Sadinskoye for confession."The manuscript is completely printed in the book of P.N.Luppova "Materials for the history of Christianity in Votyaks."Vyatka, 1911, pp. 245-246.On...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахState-confessional relations in Udmurtia in the late 1950's mid-1960's.
Mikryukova, Maria Aleksandrovna (candidate of historical sciences). State-confessional relations in Udmurtia in the late 1950s and mid-1960s. Izhevsk, 2008.- The Multan Case
Reply to the professor of forensic medicine, FA Patenko, on his article written about my forensic medical examination in the case of multtan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to pagan gods
Bellin, Emily Fedorovich (1852-1902). Reply to the professor of forensic medicine, FA Patenko, on his article written about my forensic medical examination in the case of multtan votyaks, accused of sacrificing human sacrifice to pagan gods.
Kharkov: Type. A. Darre, 1896.Multan "prayer" of the Votyaks in the light of ethnographic data
Bogaevsky, Pyotr Mikhailovich (1866-1929). Multan "prayer" of the Votyaks in the light of ethnographic data.
Moscow: Grosman and Knebel, (I. Knebel), 1896.Forensic medical examination in the case of Multan Votyaks accused of bringing a human sacrifice to pagan gods
Kosorotov, Dmitry Petrovich (1856-). Forensic medical examination in the case of Multan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to pagan gods. [Spb: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1896].Concerning the article by the part of E.F. Bellina "Forensic medical examination in the case of the Multatan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to the pagan gods". (Doctor, 1896, No. 12)
Patenko, Theodosius Alekseevich (1851-1911). Concerning the article by the part of E.F. Bellina "Forensic medical examination in the case of the Multatan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to the pagan gods". (Doctor, 1896, No. 12). Kharkov: type. Lips. 1896.