Works of folk literature, rituals and beliefs of the Votyaks of the Kazan and Vyatka gubernias
Gavrilov, Boris Gavrilovich (1854-1885). Works of folk literature, rituals and beliefs of the Votyaks of the Kazan and Vyatka provinces. Kazan: Orthodox Missionary Society, 1880.
The development of local lore in the Russian province at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. and the activities of the Vyatka Scientific Archive Commission
Vechtomova, Julia Evgenievna (candidate of historical sciences). The development of local lore in the Russian province at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. and the activities of the Vyatka Academic Archive Commission. Izhevsk, 2006.
УдГУ. Сайт
Департамент народного просвещения Министерства народного просвещения (1803-1917). Фонд Департамент народного просвещения. Дело об открытии в Сарапуле (Вятской губернии) публичной библиотеки для чтения
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.Reports of Vyatka, Sarapul and Oryol public libraries, as well as about donated books for the library, Stat adviser Kalachnikov
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.Reports of Vyatka, Sarapulsky and Oryol public libraries, as well as donated for library books by the Stat adviser Kalachnikov.1847.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Monument to the crocodile in Izhevsk // Russian reporter. 2013, No. 41 (319) (October 17 - 24)
Russian reporter. Film Nikitina, Julia. Monument to the crocodile in Izhevsk.
Группа Эксперт
The historical and architectural heritage of the city of Votkinsk, the second half of the XVIII-early XX centuries
The historical and architectural heritage of the city of Votkinsk, the second half of the XVIII-early XX centuries.2015.
- Mass media
Formation and development of television in Udmurtia in 1956-1985.
Stepanova, Natalia Yurievna (Candidate of Sciences). Formation and development of television in Udmurtia in 1956-1985. Izhevsk, 2009.Mass media of Udmurtia in conditions of political and socio-economic transformations
Menshatova, Olga Viktorovna (Candidate of Historical Sciences). Mass media of Udmurtia in conditions of political and socio-economic transformations. Izhevsk, 2012. - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
- Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840–1893)
Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) is one of the greatest composers in the history of music. He also made an enormous contribution to the development of Russian culture as a conductor, popularizer of Russian music abroad, educator, music journalist and public figure.
Udmurt songs, fairy tales, etc. pp. 3-154. (scans 7-159). Beliefs and rituals. pp. 155-186 (scans 160-190)