World wars of XX century. Book. 4. The Second World War

World wars of the XX century: in 4 books / [Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of universal. history, Assot. historians of the First World War, Ass. historians of the Second World War]; rare: VA Zolotarev [and others]; hands. project O. A. Rzheshevsky . - Moscow: Science, 2005
Book. 4: The Second World War: documents and materials / otv. Ed. M. Yu. Myagkov; comp. Yu. A. Nikiforov. - 2005. - 677 pp., [8] f. color. yl. : ill. - Res. in English. yaz. - Bibliograf. in the text. - Decree. names and geogr. titles: p. 630-649. - ISBN 5-02-034979-8 .
1. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. World War II - 1939 - 1945 - Documents and materials. 4. World Wars - the 20th century. - Collections.
BKK 63.3 (0) 532y43
BBK 63.3 (0) 6я43
ББК 63.3 (0) 62я45
After reading the book, readers will get an idea of ​​the struggle in the Sino-Burmese fleet, the actions of American forces in the Pacific, the defeat of the Italo-German troops in North Africa. For historians, political scientists.
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: ЦВМБ
ISBN 5-02-034979-8
Publisher Наука
Catalogue object

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