Author Милюков Павел Николаевич Description Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943). Essays on the history of Russian culture / P. Milyukov .- St. Petersburg: ed. journal. "The World of God", 1898-1913 rus Part 3: Nationalism and Public Opinion: Vol. 2 .- 1903 .- [4], 237 with. . BBC 63.3 (2) -38 BBK 71 (2) Source: PB Storage: RSPU Publisher Ред. журн. "Мир божий" Catalogue object История России Культура. Культурология Collections State Authority → Personalities of heads of state and statesmen → Public and political figures of the revolutionary era (1918-1922) → M → Milyukov Pavel Nikolayevich (1859–1943) History textbooks → Publications for higher educational institutions in the Russian Empire