[On the appointment of the State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation D. Kostennikov. the official r...

      Russian Federation. The president  (2008-; DA Medvedev).
[On the appointment of the State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation D. Kostennikov. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when examining the issue of ratification of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Panama on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, signed in Panama on April 30, 2009, by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation]: Order of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2010 year № 879-рп. - Moscow, 2010. - 1 liter. - Digital copy .
1. Kostennikov, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich (1960 -) - Appointments - Legal acts. 2. The Russian Federation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Legal acts. 3. Power (collection). 4. Russian Federation - Legal cooperation - Panama - Legal acts. 5. Panama - Legal cooperation - Russian Federation - Legal acts. 6. Orders of the President of the Russian Federation.
ББК 67.911.15к121
BBK 66.4 (2Ros), 8Kostennikov, DVK121
BBK 66.4 (7Pan), 4k121
BBK 66.4 (2Ros), 4k121
Electronic copy: FSO of Russia
Catalogue object