Blagovidov, Fedor Vasilyevich (1865-).
Ober-Procurators of the Holy Synod in the XVIII and the first half of the XIX century: (the development of the chief procuratorial authority in the Synodal Office): the experience of historical research / FV Blagovidov. - Kazan: Typo-lithograph of the Imperial University, 1899. - [2], 429, IV p. ; 24 cm. - Bibliography in footnotes. - A separate print from the magazine "Orthodox interlocutor" for 1897-1899.
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1. Russian Orthodox Church - History - 18th - 19th centuries. 2. Russia. Synod. The Chief Procurator. 3. Russia. Synod - History. 4. Power (collection). 5. Russia in the faces (collection). 6. Synod in the history of Russian statehood (collection). |
BBK 63.3 (2) 51-37 ББК 63.3 (2) 521-37
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