Liberation of the peasants in the reign of Emperor Alexander II. Conclusions and conclusions. On the fate of the peasant class i...

  Semenov, Nikolay Petrovich  (1823-1904).    
Liberation of the peasants in the reign of Emperor Alexander II: chronicle of the activity of commissions on peasant business / [] NP Semenova . - St. Petersburg: the publication of Mercury Eleazarovich Komarov, 1889-1892 . - 25 cm
Conclusions and conclusions: On the fate of the peasant class in Russia. - 1893. - 74 p. .
1. Peasant Reform of 1861 (collection). 2. Peasantry - History - Russia - 18 - 19 centuries .. 3. Peasant Reform - Implementation - Russia - 1861.
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-210.6
BBK 63.3 (2) 5-282.2
BBK 63.3 (2) 522-210.6
The life of the peasants until liberation. People's ideas about the state. The right of the state to land and labor. The history of the formation of serfdom. Agrarian overpopulation. Demographic excess as a resource for settling new lands and replenishing the army. Peasant community: the order of distribution of land. Expansion of corvée and quitrent. Tax is a payer. Go to the poll tax. The state management of affairs of the state peasants since 1836. Regulation of a national life. A higher standard of living of state peasants in comparison with landlords. Advantages of communal land tenure. Reform of 1861. Variants of the division of landlords' lands departing from the peasants: according to taxes, yards and souls. Disintegration of the draft economic unit. Destruction of the peasant community. Weakening the economic foundations of the patriarchal family. Breaking the historical life of the people.\n\n.
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher издание Меркурия Елеазаровича Комарова
Catalogue object