Author Врадий Вячеслав Пантелеймонович Description Vradiy, Vyacheslav Panteleimonovich (1871-). rus Food products of Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and other foreigners of the Far East: (Notes from a trip to Asia) / comp. V.P. Vradii .- St. Petersburg: Type. Trenke and Fusno, 1904 .- 16 pp. ; 25 centimeters . BBC 63.57 (255) -425 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher тип. Тренке и Фюсно Catalogue object Этнология (этнография, народоведение) Collections Far East: Point of Attraction → International relations → Russia – Korea: from the history of relations → Koreans in Russia Far East: Point of Attraction → History of the Far East → Population of the Far East → Migration processes → External migration