The political culture of social movements as an object of historical and political research (on the materials of the republics o...

  Nemirovsky, Vladislav V.      
Political culture of social movements as an object of historical and political investigation (on the materials of the republics of the Middle Volga region, mid-1980s-1990s): the dissertation ... The candidate of historical sciences: 23.00.01: protected 23.10.2003 / Nemirovsky Vladislav Vilievich; Kazan State University. - Kazan, 2003. - 201, [1] p. : ill. .
1. Theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science. 2. Political culture - Russian Federation - Theses. 3. Social movements - Volga region Average - 1980 - 1990th. - Theses.
BBC 66.053y031
BBK 66.7 (235.54) I031
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