Общественно-политические организации, движения, союзы
Материалы по теме
Formation and development of civil society organizations in Buryatia in the 20 - ies.XX century
Zhukova, Natalia E..Formation and development of civil society organizations in Buryatia in the 20 - ies.XX century.Ulan-Ude 2014.
A conference on the election of the local assembly took place // Annals of the settlements of the Belgorod region. September 25
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. A conference on the election of the local assembly took place. |
Regional Public Chamber as a Social Institute of Civil Society of Modern Russia
Potanin, Elena Anatolievna (candidate of sociological sciences). Regional Public Chamber as a social institution of civil society of modern Russia. Murmansk, 2015. |
Human rights issues in Russian journalism: dynamics in the social and political context NO BO
Human rights issues in Russian journalism: dynamics in the socio-political context NO BW. 2017. |
Human rights activities of legal associations (unions) as an object of theoretical and legal research
The human rights activities of legal associations (unions) as an object of theoretical and legal study.2022.
Legal regulation of partnership of non-governmental non-profit organizations and local authorities
Khananashvili, Nodary Lotharievich Legal regulation of partnership of non-governmental non-profit organizations and local self-government bodies. Moscow, 2008. |
The political culture of social movements as an object of historical and political research (on the materials of the republics of the Middle Volga region, mid-1980s-1990s).
Nemirovsky, Vladislav V.
The political culture of social movements as an object of historical and political research (on the materials of the republics of the Middle Volga region, mid-1980s-1990s). Kazan, 2003. |
Peculiarities of political participation of non-governmental organizations in modern Russia
Sazhnov, Alexander Nikolaevich. Features of political participation of non-governmental organizations in modern Russia. Moscow, 2016. |
Public organizations of Udmurtia in the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries.
Kopinova, Natalia Sergeevna. Public organizations of Udmurtia in the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries Izhevsk, 2013. |
Public organizations in modern Russia: intersectoral interaction with government and business
Kalinkina, Olga Nikolaevna. Public organizations in modern Russia: intersectoral interaction with government and business. Yekaterinburg, 2014. |