Общественно-политические организации, движения, союзы
Материалы по теме
International Foundations and Cultural Policy of Modern Russia
Ratnikov, Alexey Sergeevich. International Funds and Cultural Policy of Modern Russia. St. Petersburg, 2015. |
The constitutional and legal status of public associations of indigenous peoples of the Arctic states: a comparative legal analysis: the author's abstract of the dissertation. Candidate of Juridical Sciences: 12.00.02
Ziganshin, Ilsur Rustamovich. The constitutional and legal status of public associations of indigenous peoples of the Arctic states: a comparative legal analysis: the author's abstract of the dissertation. Candidate of Juridical Sciences: 12.00.02. Moscow, 2016. |
The historical experience of the relations of regional authorities and public organizations in the USSR 1923-1934.(Based on the materials of the central chernozem)
The historical experience of the relations of regional authorities and public organizations in the USSR 1923-1934.(On the materials of the Central Black Earth Region) There is no BO.2018.
Из стенограммы доклада члена Политкомиссии Политсекретариата ИККИ Г. Димитрова на заседании VII конгресса Коминтерна "Наступление фашизма и задачи Коминтерна в борьбе за единство рабочего класса против фашизма"
Excerpt from the diary of the Soviet military attaché in Poland N. Semenov regarding the fate of Danzig and Memel, German-Polish relations, Polish aviation, etc. Original.
Выступление члена Политкомиссии Политсекретариата ИККИ Г. Димитрова с докладом "Наступление фашизма и задачи Коминтерна в борьбе за единство рабочего класса против фашизма" на VII конгрессе Коминтерна в Москве : фотография
Placing a wreath on the slab marking the spot where King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister L. Barthou were assassinated. Photograph.
Influence of public organizations on the development of local self-government: social and management mechanisms
Popov, Alexander Alexandrovich. Influence of public organizations on the development of local self-government: social and management mechanisms. Eagle, 2015. |
Interaction of government bodies and public organizations as a factor of public policy in modern Russia
Ermilova, Tatiana Vladimirovna Interaction of government bodies and public organizations as a factor of public policy in modern Russia. Moscow, 2007. |