Moscow Men's Gymnasium of FI Kreiman
Information about the private grammar school of Fr. Kreimana in Moscow. - Moscow: University Press, 1867-1897
. - 25 cm |
[for the 1868-69th academic year]:
An outline of the life and work of the Slavic primers of Cyril and Methodius: a speech delivered on February 14, 1869, on the day of the millennial anniversary of St. Kirill P. P. Melgunov. Educational information for the year 1868-69. - 1869. - 92 pp.
I. Melgunov, Peter Pavlovich (1847-1894).
1. Cyril (827 - 869). 2. Methodius (815 - 885). 3. Moscow Men's Gymnasium FI Kreimana - Training programs. 4. Cyril and Methodius - Slavic enlighteners (collection). 5. Russian language (collection). |
ББК 74.03 (2-2Москва) ББК 63.3 (2) 411-8
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