Cyril and Methodius – Slavic enlighteners

Cyril and Methodius – Slavic enlighteners

Cyril and Methodius – creators of the Church Slavonic language, orthodox preachers, esteemed as saints equal to the apostles – had played a significant role in the development of Slavic written language and culture. The featured researches, essays, speeches tell about their life and work. The selection also includes a photograph depicting the monument to Cyril and Methodius and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Cyril and Methodius, as Orthodox preachers of the Western Slavs, in connection with the contemporary history of the church disagreements between East and West

Lavrovsky, Peter Alekseevich (1827-1886). Cyril and Methodius, as Orthodox preachers of the Western Slavs, in connection with the contemporary history of the church disagreements between East and West. Kharkov: at the University Press, 1863.

Word in the day of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, educators of the Slavs, in the presence of Slavic guests, said at the St. Isaac's Cathedral by the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Archpriest John Janishev

  Yanishev, Ivan Leontyevich (1826-1910).     Word in the day of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the Enlightenment of the Slavs, in the presence of Slavic guests, said at the St. Isaac's Cathedral by the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Archpriest John Janishev.
St.Petersburg: Type. 2nd estate property. E. and. at. office, 1867.

Information about the private grammar school of Fr. Kreimana in Moscow. [for the 1868-69th academic year]. A sketch of the life and work of the Slavic primers of Cyril and Methodius: a speech delivered on February 14, 1869, on the day of the millennium anniversary of St. Kirill P. P. Melgunov

      Moscow Men's Gymnasium of FI Kreiman Information about the private grammar school of Fr. Kreimana in Moscow. A sketch of the life and work of the Slavic primers of Cyril and Methodius: a speech delivered on February 14, 1869, on the day of the millennium anniversary of St. Kirill P. P. Melgunov. Educational information for the year 1868-69. Moscow: University Press, 1867-1897.1869.
