Statute of the Savings Fund of Employees and Workers at Ochtensky Sawmills of E.G. Brunt and Co.

      Okhtensky sawmills E.G. Brunt and Co.. Savings fund of employees and workers  (St. Petersburg). rus
Statute of the Savings Fund of Employees and Workers at the Okhtensky Sawmills of E.G. Brunt and Co.: [Approved. July 14, 1894] .- St. Petersburg: Type. St. Petersburg Township, census. 1894] .- 21 sec. .- Without tit. l. and obl. .
BBC 65.03 (2) 522-931
BBK 63.3 (2) 522-201
Source: RSL
Storage: RSL
Publisher Тип. С.-Петербургского Градоначальства
Catalogue object