Ethnographic survey of the alien population of the Southern Yenisei valley and an explanatory catalog of the Ethnographic Depart...

Yakovlev, Yevgeny Konstantinovich    
Ethnographic survey of the alien population of the valley of the Southern Yenisei and an explanatory catalog of the Ethnographic Department of the Museum / EK Yakovlev. - Minusinsk: Type. VI Kornakova, 1900. - 357 p. Sec. pag. : ill. ; 22 cm - (Description of the Minusinsk Museum, Department of Ethnography, issue 4). -
2 tit. l. On him.
Bibliography: "A list of books, magazine and newspaper articles about foreigners of Minusinsk and Sasayanski Krai: Kachinets, Sagayans, Baltiros, Koibals and Soyots" at the end of the text.
I. Danilov, V. A. II. Minusinsky Martyanovsky Museum. Ethnographic department. The people (the collection). 2. The Republic of Khakassia: pages of history (collection).
BBC 63.529 (253.7)
BBK 63.3 (28-8 Yen) -1
BBK 79.1л6
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher Тип. В. И. Корнакова
Catalogue object