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Historical and ethnographic study of the Khakass-Minusinsky Territory in the XVIII-first half of the XIX century: Monograph
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Historical and ethnographic study of the Khak-Minusinsky Territory in the 50s-80s of the XIX century: Monograph.2023.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахProgram for collecting ethnographic materials in the Khakassky District, the Siberian Territory. Part 1. Material culture
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Dwellings of the population of the Khakass-Minusinsky Territory in the traditional life support system in the XVIII-XX centuries.: (on the example of Khakasses and Russian old -timers): Monograph.2018.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахKhakass ethnos in the system of Russian federalism
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