30. The general map of the so-called region of Budzhak in Bessarabia, indicating cottages: state, colonist and complained to private owners |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 1. General Map of part of Russia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 10. Power map of the Russian Empire, indicating the location of the nights, stage, detachment and salt teams, as well as all exile and stage pathways |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 100. Map of Moscow province consisting of 10 counties |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 101. Cards of counties of the Moscow province: Volokolamsky, Dmitrovsky, Zvenigorodsky, Klinsky, Mozhaisk, Moscow, Ruzsky, Serpukhovsky |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 102. Geometric map of Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 103. Geometric General Map of Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 104. Geometric map of Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 105. Geometric General Map of Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 106. Geometric map of the Nizhny Novgorod province with the part of the former Penza province attached to it |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 107. Geometric General Map of Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 108. Project Improvement of Shipping on the Msta River Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 109. Plan and situation of the Volkhov River |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 11. Card of judicial districts of the European part of the Russian Empire |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 11. The map of the judicial districts of the Asian part of the Russian Empire |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 110. General map of the flow of rivers Tikhvinki, Siausi, Goryuna, chagrin and molts from Lake Ladoga to Volga with a terrain profile (Novgorod, Tverskaya and Yaroslavl province) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 111. Map of forests and rafting rivers of Starorussky district of Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 112. Map of Novgorod-Seversky vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 113. Map Novgorod-Seversk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 114. General Map of Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 115. Map of Novorossiysk Gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 116. Geometric map of Novorossiysk Territory |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 117. Map of the Mariupol County, which enters the lands of the Bishan, Uncle and Ajumblutsky Hard and translated from the Caucasian line of the Tatars |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 118. Map of Olonetsky vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 119. Two geometric cards by Olonetsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 12. Map of the location of the copper smelting and ironing plants in the Kazan, Orenburg and part of the Siberian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 120. Geometrical map (plan) of fish lodels on the river Sviri |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 121. Plans of the Way from the White Sea to Lake Ladoga |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 122. The plan depicting a large road lying away from the city of Vytegra to the city of Kargopol, with the testimony of the appointed road now |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 123. Landcard of the city of Orenburg and its surroundings |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 124. Landcard area owned by the city of Orenburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 125. Landskard from the Ushanskiy Fortress to the Siberian Province (Orenburg Expedition of the Titular Advisor Nepluyev) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 126. Berdy's fortress plan with part of the river YiK |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 127. General Map of Orenburg province and border with her places |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 128. General Map of Orenburg province and border with her places |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 129. Landcard of the Iset Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 13. Map of the land, determined by the Greeks who left the Crimea in Mariupol county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 130. Map of the Iset Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 131. Maps of empty grounds lying between rivers Yaik and Sakmara appointed for settlement |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 132. Lankarth Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 133. Lankarta Samara line of the Orenburg province, from the Perevolotsky Fortress to Samara |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 134. Map of the Orenburg province, consisting of 12 counties |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 135. Topographic map of Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 136. Terrain plans on the white river |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 137. General Map of Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 138. General map of Orel province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 139. Geometric map of Orlovsky vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 14. Map of parts of the Arkhanghelogo city, Novgorod, Moscow province and Ingermanland, indicating the waterway from Archengelsk to Vologium |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 140. Geometric map of Penza vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 141. Map of Penza province with division on the counties, mills and sections of judicial investigators |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 142. Map of Penza province with division into the counties, indicating the location of the district and world vessels |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 143. Geometric maps of Penza province and her counties |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 144. Landskard River Chusovoy Perm Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 145. Drawing of part of the Kama River with Chusovoy Plowing |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 146. General map of the location of all government and private plants for maintaining the Yekaterinburg Factory Office |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 147. General Map of Perm Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 148. General Map of Perm Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 149. Map of Perm Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 15. General Map of the Arkhangelsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 150. Map of parts of three counties: Kungur, Osinsky and Ufa, from which land, forests and ore deposits are newly built Anninsky and Sheremeit plants |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 151. The Cusovaya River flow map from the top to the mouth, where it flows into the Kama River, indicating all the tributaries and constructed state and private plants |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 152. Map of Perm Province with an indication of the separation on the counties, plots of global judges and the location of world vessels |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 153. Map of the Malorossiy Poltava province divided into 15 tts |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 154. General Map of Pskov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 155. Geometric map of Ryazan vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 156. Map of Ryazan Gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 157. Map of Ryazan Gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 158. Geometric Plan of Urban Lands of the city of Yegoryevsk Ryazan Primary |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 159. Map of the Samara province with the indication of counties, camps and the location of district courts |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 16. Map of the Astrakhan province, divided into the treasures (with private ownership) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 160. Cards of St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 161. Geometric Plan of the city of GDOV and the county of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 162. Geometric Special Plan of the city of Luga and County |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 163. Plan of the Luzhsky County of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 164. County Plans: Narva, Novoladozhsky, Oranienbaum, Christmas, Sofia, Shlisselburg, Yamburg St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 165. Plans for city possessions of the city of Narva St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 166. Plan of all Gorodetsky Possos, as well as places where the remains of the ruins of the ancient settlement are located |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 167. Sviri River Treatment Plan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 168. General Plan Oranienbaum County |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 169. Map of shipping systems: Vysnevolotsk, Tikhvinskaya and Berezinskaya |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 17. General Map of the Astrakhan Region of Caucasian Governorship |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 170. Highway Plan from St. Petersburg to Dinaburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 171. Ingermanlanda General General, St. Petersburg, Shlisselburg, Kaporovsky and Yamburg counties |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 172. General Plan of the Sofia County of St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 173. Geometric map of Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 174. Geometric map of Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 175. Map of Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 176. Map of Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 177. Draft device for water communication from Salo Lake Elton to the city of Saratov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 178. Topographic map of symbirsk vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 179. Topographic map of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 18. Map of Astrakhan province with the locations where nomads live |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 180. Topographic map of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 181. Geometric map of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 182. General map of the Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 183. Map of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 184. Map of Alakra district of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 185. Map of Buinsky County of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 186. Map of Insar County of the Symbirian province in four parts |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 187. Map of Karsunsky County of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 188. Map of Khudyshsky County of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 189. Map of the Samara County of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 19. Map of Astrakhan province with the inclusion of the area of the inner Bokeek Horde and with the city plan of Astrakhan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 190. Map of Saransky County of the Symbirian province in five parts |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 191. Map of the Symbirsk County of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 192. Map of Stavropol County of the Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 193. Map of Syzran County Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 194. Drawing of villages and lands located in the Zmievsky district of the Slobodsko-Ukrainian province and owned by Chuguev Cossack shelves |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 195. Slobodsko-Ukrainian province card |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 196. The plan of Cossack lands of Akhtyr Slobodsky Regiment, located around the city of Aleshni |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 197. Plan of Cossack lands of the Izyumsk Slobodsky Regiment, belonging to the city of Pecheneg and the village of Malinovka |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 198. Plan of Cossack Lands of the Ostrogogsky Slobodsky Regiment belonging to the city of Zemankov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 199. Plan of the Cossack lands of the Ostrogogian Slobodsky Regiment belonging to the city |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 2. New border map of the Russian Empire |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 20. Map of Astrakhan province, indicating the division to the plots of global judges |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 200. Plan of Cossack Lands of the Ostrogozhsky Slobodsky Regiment belonging to Slobod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 201. Plan of the Cossack land of Sumy Slobodsky Regiment, owned by the cities of the Judge and Miropoly |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 202. The plan of the Cossack lands of the Kharkov Slobodsky regiment belonging to the place of VOLCHENO (city of Volchansk) and the village of nonlegal |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 203. The plan of the Cossack lands of the Kharkov Slobodsky regiment belonging to the locations of Martov and Hotomyle |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 204. Drawings of fish trap on the Dnieper River |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 205. Topographic map of Smolensk vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 206. Map of Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 207. Map of Stavropol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 208. Maps of Dniprovsky and Melitopol counties of the Tauride province and the Crimean Peninsula |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 209. The area of the neighborhood of the Armenian St. George Monastery and the village of the Old Crimea, consisting in the farodosi district |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 21. Map of Astrakhan province with a breakdown on the counties, mills and sections of judicial investigators |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 210. General Map of Tambov vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 211. Geometric map of Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 212. Map of Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 213. Map of Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 214. Map of Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 215. The Plan of the confiscated Votchin of the former Stall Macester Baron Pospelova in the Tambov district |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 216. General Map of Tver Primary |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 217. General Map of Tver Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 218. Map of Vyshnevolotsky County Tver Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 219. Plan of part of the river Musta with the threshold of Yol |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 22. Plan of Astrakhan treary grape gardens |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 220. General map of Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 221. Maps of Western Siberia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 222. Map of West Siberia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 223. Map of roads and waterways from the river Irtysh to Tashkent possessions |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 224. General map of the location of the Kolyvan-Resurrection Mountains |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 225. Coverts River flow map with an indication of the expedition-Major Petruline expedition |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 226. Geometric Map of Tula Governance |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 227. Post card map of Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 228. General Map of Ufa Province and Bashkiria |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 229. Special map of the Russian and Swedish Finland |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 229. Special map of Russian and Swedish Finland |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 23. General Map of Astrakhan Province and County Plans: Alexandrovsky, Astrakhan, Georgievsky, Enotaevsky, Kizlyar, Krasnoyarsk, Mozdok, Stavropol and Chernoyarsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 230. Maps of special land and faces of the cities of the Finnish province: Vyborg, Friedrichsgam, Kexholma, Wilmanstrand and neutlo |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 231. Map of Kharkov priest |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 232. Geometric plan of Kharkov priesthood |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 233. Geometric plans of the counties of the Kharkov priests: Akhtyrsky, Belopolsky, Bogodukhovsky, Vakanovsky, Volchansky, Zolochevsky, Izyumsky, Krasnokutsky, Lebedinsky, Miropolsky, Neknigaylovsky, Sumy, Kharkov, Kharkov, Chugovsky |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 234. Geometric map of Kharkov pricker |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 235. Landcard area between rivers Dnipro and Donets |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 236. District General Plan of the Rostov and Cherkasy Districts of the Don Troops |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 237. District General Plan of the Khopersky District of the Don Trooque |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 238. General Map of Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 239. General topographic map of Estland province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 24. Map to the west of the Kizlyar fortress on the rivers Terek and Borozde |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 240. Maps of special land cities Valka, Venden, Derpte, Pernova and Riga Liflyandic province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 241. Map of Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 242. Plan of the city of Arkhangelsk with statement about the number of residents, government income, the number of churches, buildings and other things and with the geographical description of the city with county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 243. Plans and facades of government buildings located in the city of Arkhangelsk and in the county cities of the Arkhangelsk Province: Mezeni, Kola, Onega, Pineghe, Nestozersk, Kholemogo and Shenkursk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 244. Plans of the cities of Mezeni and Vagi Arkhangelsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 245. Plan of the city of Great Ustyug Arkhangelsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 246. Plan of the city of Kargopol Arkhangelsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 247. Plan of the city of Kevroli Arkhangelsk province with statement about the number of residents, government-income, the number of churches, courtyards and other and geographical description of the city with county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 248. Plan of the city of Koly in the Arkhangelsk province with a statement on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and other, and the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 249. Plan of the city of Pulloisk Arkhangelsk province with a statement about the number of residents, government-income, the number of churches, courtyards and other and geographical description of the city with county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 25. Map of the area around the Silk Plant on the Terek River |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 250. Cities of the Arkhangelsk Province: Galich, Cologrya, Parfenteyev, Solitskaya, Casual, Unzha and Chukhloma with Vedomosti on the number of residents, government income, the number of churches, courtyards and other and geographical description of the city with county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 251. Plan of the Earth and Water Mill belonging to the merchant of Goma on the River Onega Arkhangelsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 252. Plans of the cities of the Astrakhan province: Alexandrov, Astrakhan, Georgievsk, Enotaevsk, Kizlyar, Red Yar, Mozdoka, Stavropol, Black Yar |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 253. Plans of the city of Astrakhan and the Astrakhan Fortress |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 254. Highest confined copy of the plan of the city of Astrakhan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 255. The plan of the Astrakhan Fortress with plans of individual buildings in it |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 256. Plans and facades of government buildings located in the city of Astrakhan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 257. Plan of Astrakhan Kremlin |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 258. Project stone barracks in the city of Astrakhan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 259. Plans and facades Barracks in the city of Astrakhan and cities and fortresses of the Astrakhan province: Kizlyar, Stavropol, Shelkozavodskaya |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 26. Map of Salt Lakes near the city of Astrakhan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 260. Plan of the provincial city of Vitebsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 261. Plan of the city of Vitebsk with the application of statistical tables and geographic description |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 262. Plan of the location of the castle in the city of Vitebsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 263. Plan and facade of a house designed to restructure on the governor's house |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 264. Plans and facades of government buildings in the cities of the Belarusian province: Belice, Velice, Vitebsk, Town, Drissue, Klimovichi, Lucina, Mogilev, Mstislavl, Nechez, Orsha, Polotsk, Region, Rogachev, Head, Surage, Thieves, Cherikov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 265. Plans and facades of the Shklovsky Cadet Corps |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 266. Plans and facades of buildings and land of the private manor Maryi Sergeyevna Pasysk in Mogilev |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 267. Plans and facades of buildings built by the landowner Serakovsky in the town of Senno Mogilev province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 268. Plans and facades of buildings in the Belarusian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 269. Plans and facades Kazarram Kyili Fortress in Bessarabian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 27. Baltic Sea Map |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 271. Part of the plan of Hotin Fortress and Forestat |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 272. Plans and facades of government buildings in the city of Hotin |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 273. Plans and facades of state buildings of the city of Vladimir |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 274. High confined copy of Alexandrova city plan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 275. Plans for public buildings located in the city of Vladimir, with their indication on the city's plan (barracks for troops in the city of Vladimir) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 276. City plan of Vyazniki of Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 277. Plan of the city of Gorokhovets of Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 278. Statement of the Gorokhov Provincial Chancellery on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and others, and with the geographical description of the city of Gorokhovets with the Gorokhovets district of Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 279. City plan Kirzhach Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 28. Sea Map of the Finnish Bay with all the islands and shores |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 280. Plan of the city of Kovrov in Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 281. Plan of Melenki city of Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 282. Plan of the city of Murom in the Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 283. Plan of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 284. Plan of the city of the Intercession of Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 285. Plan of the city of Sudogda of Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 286. Plan of the city of Suzdal in the Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 287. Plan of the city of Shuya in Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 288. Plan of the city of St. George's of Poland Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 289. Plan of the city of St. George's of Poland Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 29. Map of Belarusian province and plans for new roads: St. Petersburg-Vilna-Moscow, St. Petersburg-Vitebsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 290. Plans for the city of Vologda and the county towns: Totma, Velikii Ustyug, Solvychegodsk, Yarensk, Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 291. Plan of Arkhangelsk city of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 292. Plan of Veliky Ustyug city of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 293. Plan of Veliky Ustyug city of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 294. Plan of the city of Velsk in the Vologda Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 295. Projects of prison locks (wooden and stone) in the city of Vologda |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 296. Plan of the city of Kranoborsk Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 297. Plan of the city of Lalsk, Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 298. Plan of the city of Mezen of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 299. Plan of the city of Nikolsk Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 3. New map of the Russian Empire |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 300. Plan of Onega city of Vologda Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 301. Plan of the city of Pinega of the Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 302. Plan of Solvychegodsk city of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 303. Plan of the city of Ust-Sysolsk of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 304. Plan of the city of Kholmogory of the Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 305. Plan of the city of Shenkursk in the Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 306. Plan of the city of Yarensk Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 307. Plan of the outskirts of the city of Lutsk of Volyn province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 308. Plans and facades of state buildings in cities: Zhitomir and Kamenetz-Podolsky Volyn province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 309. Plan of the city of Belovodsk, Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 31. Topographic map of the flow of the Danube River, from the mouth of the river Prut to the sign in the Black Sea |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 310. The plan of Biryucha in the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 311. Plan of Bobrov city of Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 312. Plan of the city of Boguchar, Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 313. Plan of the town of Valuiki of the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 314. Plan and facades of public buildings in the city of Voronezh |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 315. Printed plans and facades for the construction of charitable institutions in the cities of Voronezh and Kursk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 316. The plan of the house of the Provincial Chancery of the Voronezh province with a room for the governor |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 317. Plans for retail space in the city of Voronezh [Voronezh province] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 318. Plan of the city of Zemlyansk in the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 319. Plan of the city of Kalitva in the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 32. Topographic map of the flow of the Danube River, from the mouth of the river Prut to the sign in the Black Sea |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 320. Plan of the city of Korotoyak of the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 321. The project of two military and wine shops in the city of Korotoyak |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 322. Plan of the city of Kupenska Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 323. Plan of the city of Livensk in the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 324. Plan of the city of Nizhnedevitsk of the Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 325. Plan of the city of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 326. Plan of the city of Pavlovsk Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 327. Plans and facades of public buildings located in the city of Vyborg and the Vyborg viceroyalty |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 328. The plan of the provincial town of Vyatka |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 329. RGIA |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 33. General Map of Bratzlava Vcrchristia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 330. The plan of the city of Glazov Vyatka province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 331. Plan of the city of Elabuga in Vyatka province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 332. Plans of the cities: Kaya, Malmyzhi and Tsarevosanchurska of Vyatka province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 333. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Kaya Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 334. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Kotelnich Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 335. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Malmyzh in Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 336. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Nolinsk Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 337. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Orlov in Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 338. Highest Confirmed Plan of Sarapul City of Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 339. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Sloboda Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 34. General map of the Vladimir province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 340. Highest Confirmed Plan of Urzhum City of Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 341. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Khlynov in Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 342. Highest Confirmed Plan of the City of Tsarevosanchurska of Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 343. Highest Confirmed Plan of Yaransk, Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 344. The plan of the Alasak settlement and its summer residence Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 345. The plan of the village of Motsky and his dacha in Verkhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 346. Plans of the cities: Barguzin, Verkhnevilyuysk, Verkhneudinsk, Doroninsk, Zhigansk, Zashiversk, Gizhiginsk, Irkutsk, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhnekamchatsk, Nizhneudinsk, Olekminsk, Okhotsk, Stretinsky, Tigil fortress, Yakutsk Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 347. The plan of the settlement of Naryn-Kunduisky and its dacha in Verkhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 348. The plan of the village of Oglotsky and his dacha in Verkhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 349. Plan of the village of Snezhnoye and his dacha in Verkhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 35. Geometric map of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 350. Plan Hapcheranginskogo village Verkhneudinsky Uyezd Irkutsk province and his dacha |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 351. Plan for the newly appointed city of Zashiversk in Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 352. The plan of the Ilgin distillery of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 353. Plan of the city of Irkutsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 354. Plan of the city of Irkutsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 355. Plans and facade of the hotel yard designed in the city of Irkutsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 356. The plan of the newly designed Znamensky maiden monastery in the vicinity of the city of Irkutsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 357. Plans and facades of public buildings in the city of Irkutsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 358. Project of the stone three-story building of judicial establishments in the city of Irkutsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 359. Plans and drawings of Irkutsk public cloth factories |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 36. Geometric map of Vologda province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 360. Plan of Kyakhta outpost of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 361. Plan of the village of Aleksandrovsky and his dacha in Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 362. Plan of the village of Argaleisky and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 363. Plan of the village of Balzhinsky and his dacha Nerchinsk district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 364. Plan of the village of Bayan-Darginsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 365. Plan of the village of Verkhne-Naryn and his dacha Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 366. Plan of the village of Darasunsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 367. Plan of the village of Elizabethinsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 368. The plan of the Kuralzhinsk settlement and its summer residence of the Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 369. Plan of the village of Kurgatayevsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 37. Geometric Map of Vologda Primer |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 370. The plan of the Novokazachie settlement and its summer residence Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 371. The plan of the village of Olinsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 372. Plan of the village of Olovski and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 373. The plan of the Torey village and its dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 374. Plan of the Tuttaltu village and its dacha of the Nerchinsk district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 375. The plan of the village of Tirgetyu and his dacha of the Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 376. Plan of the village of Uldurginsky and his dacha of the Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 377. Plan of the village of Undinsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 378. The plan of the village of Unenkersky and his dacha Nerchensky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 379. Plan of the Khalandi village and its summer residence Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 38. Two cards of the Vologda province with the testimony of division on the counties, counties, mills |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 380. Plan of the village of Chironovsky and his dacha Nerchensky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 381. Plans and profiles of newly built melting furnaces at the Nerchinsk silver smelting plant in Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 382. Plan and profile of the Catherine Mining Plant on the Kutomare River of Irkutsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 383. Plan of the settlement of Algatchevsky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 384. The plan of the village of Alzamay and its dachas in Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 385. The plan of the village of Baeronovsky and his dachas in the Lower Udine district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 386. The plan of the village of Zamzor and his dacha in Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 387. The plan of the village of Ikaralsky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 388. The plan of the village of Ilanskogo and its dachas in Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 389. The plan of the village of Karapselsky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 39. Map of Vologda province with the testimony of alleged districts, district courts |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 390. The plan of the village of Klyuchinsky and his dachas in the Lower Udine district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 391. The plan of the village of Kultuksky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 392. The plan of the village of Marski and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 393. The plan of the village of Nikolsky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 394. The plan of the village of Okul'shetskiy and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 395. The plan of the village of Poiminsky and his dachas in Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 396. The plan of the settlement of Reshetinsky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 397. Plans of the village of Tinsky and his dachas in the Lower Udine district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 398. The plan of the village of Uksky and his dachas of the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 399. The plan of the settlement of Cheremkhovsky and his dacha of Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 4. Hydrographic map of the European part of the Russian Empire |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 40. Map of the Viel County of the Vologda Province, broken down by parish |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 400. The plan of the settlement of Cheremshansky and his dacha of the Nizhneudinsky district of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 401. Plan Okhotsk port Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 402. Plan of the city of Selenginsk Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 403. Plans of cities and villages: Great Ostrog, Verkhnekamchatsky Ostrog, Ilimsk, Klebeevskaya Zayimki, Milkova Zaimka, Nerchinsk, Nizhnekamchatsky Ostrog, Selenginsk, Tigilian fortress of the Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 404. Plan Troitskaya fortress Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 405. Plan of Yakutsk city of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 406. The plans of the city of Kazan and the county towns of Tsivilska and Yadrin of the Kazan province (with a statement on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and other, and the geographical description of the city with the county) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 407. Printed plan of Kazan city of Kazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 408. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings located in the city of Kazan and district cities: Bogorodsk, Sviyazhsk, Arsk, Mamadysh, Spassk, Aunts, Chistopol of the Kazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 409. The plan of the city of Kazan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 41. Map of Gryazovetsky County of the Vologda province, compiled on a new division in 1826, indicating volosts and |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 410. Plans and facades of government buildings in the city of Kazan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 411. Plans and facades of stone houses, supposed to be built in the city of Kazan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 412. Plan of Stavropol fortress of Kazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 413. The statement of the Tsarevo-Koksha Voivodeship Chancellery on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and other and with the geographical description of the city of Tsarevokokshaisk of the Kazan province with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 414. City plan of Cheboksary, Kazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 415. Plans and facades of government buildings and churches located in the city of Kaluga and district cities: Sirdy, Kozelsk, Likhvina, Maloyaroslavets, Mesynne, Meshovsk, Mosalsk, Menyshl, Tarusa of Kaluga province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 416. The plan of the Myshegsky iron-smelting plant in the Borovo district of the Kaluga province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 417. The plan of the Istinsky iron-making plant at the Istye river in the Borovo district of the Kaluga province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 418. Plans Lyudinovsky and Nizhne-Pesochensky iron-making plants of Zhizdrinsky county of the Kaluga province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 419. Plans and facades of public buildings of the city of Kaluga and Kaluga province (jails) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 42. Map of the Kadnikovsky district of the Vologda province, divided into parish and plots of world judges |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 420. Plan of the city of Kozelsk, Kaluga Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 421. The plan of a stone cathedral of the city of Kaluga with a bell tower in three tiers |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 422. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings located in the city of Kyiv and district cities of the Kyiv province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 423. The plan of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin, built and consecrated by Prince Vladimir in 996 in Kiev |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 424. Plan of a quarantine house in the city of Vasilkov in the province of Kiev |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 425. Plan of the Old-Kiev fortress of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 426. Plan and façade of the Kiev State Palace of the Wooden Palace |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 427. The plan of the area to the west of the city of Kiev |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 428. Plans, facades and profiles of work performed to strengthen the Feodosia cave mountains in the city of Kyiv |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 429. The plan of the Kiev-Pechersk fortress of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 43. Map of Nikolsky County of the Vologda Province, indicating the location of the volost boards, turning on the plots of judicial investigators and world judges |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 430. The plan of the city of Kiev in the Kiev province with statements on the number of inhabitants, the number of churches, yards and other and with the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 431. Plan of the city of Cherkassy |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 432. The facade and plan of the quarantine house for foreign people, built near Vasilkov Kiev province on the Polish border |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 433. Plans of lands of the Kiev-Monastery of the Kiev province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 434. Plans, facade and section of the building of the district court in the city of Vetluga of the Kostroma province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 435. Plan of the provincial city of Kostroma |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 436. Part of the plan of the city of Kostroma |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 437. Plans and facades of barracks in the city of Kostroma |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 438. Plans and facades of public buildings in the city of Kostroma |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 439. The plan, facade and section of the building of the county-level offices, adapted for the district court in the town of Yuryevtse, Kostroma province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 44. Card Solvychygodsky County of the Vologda Province, broken down by parish |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 440. The project of an educational institution in the village of Domnino Kostroma province. Compiled by Academician A. Semyonov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 441. Plans and facades of government buildings in cities: Bausk, Window, Goldingen, Gobin, Libava, Mitava, Tukkum, Friedrichstadt, Jacobstadt Kurland province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 442. Plan of the city of Belgorod Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 443. Plan of the city of Belgorod Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 444. Plan of the burnt part of the city of Belgorod Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 445. Plans for public buildings in Kursk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 446. City Plan Rich in Kursk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 447. A statement on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and other things with a geographical description of the city of Volny with the county of Kursk (Belgorod) province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 448. Plan of Dmitriev-on-Svapa city of Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 449. City plan Korochi Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 45. Map of Totemsky County of the Vologda Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 450. Plan Kursk Znamensky Monastery of Kursk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 451. Plan of the city of Lgov in Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 452. Plan of the city of Novy Oskol Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 453. Plan of Oboyan town of Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 454. Plan of the city of Putivl of the Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 455. Plan of Rylsk city of Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 456. Plan of the city Stariy Oskol Kursk gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 457. Plan of Sudji city of Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 458. Plan of the city of Tim of the Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 459. Plan of the city of Fatezh in Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 46. Map of Ustyug County of the Vologda province with a spent city of Lalsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 460. Plan of the city of Hotmyzhsk with a statement on the number of residents, government revenues, the number of churches, yards and other, and the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 461. City plan Shchigry Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 462. Plans and facades of government buildings located in the city of Kursk and in the county cities of Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 463. County cities: Korochi, New Oskol, Oboyan, Old Oskol, Yablonov Kursk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 464. Plan of the city of Karpov Kursk province with a statement on the number of residents, government revenues, the number of churches, yards and other and with the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 465. Plan of the city of Miropolaya of Belgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 466. Plan of the city of Miropolaya of Belgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 467. A statement of the city of Sudji in the Kursk province on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and other, and the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 468. Plans and facades of public buildings in the city of Vilno |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 469. The plan of the part of the Dynamo fortress of Livonia province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 47. Map of Ust-Sysolsky County of the Vologda Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 470. Plans and facades of government buildings of the city of Riga and Cities: Arensburg, Valka, Vennd, Verro, Volmar, Didinda, Dorpte, Lemzal, Memel, Perron, Riga, Felleng and the town of Schlock Liflyand province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 471. Plan part of the fortress and citadel of the city of Riga in the Province of Livonia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 472. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings located in the city of Minsk and district cities: Minsk, Bobruisk, Mozyre, Nesvizh, Pinsk, Slutsk of the Minsk province (right there the charts of troops in the districts of the province) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 473. Plan of the Zlínsky Gateway |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 474. Plan of the city of Senno Mogilev Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 475. County cities plans: Borovsk, Volokolamsk, Dmitrov, Kashira, Klin, Kolomna, Ruza of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 476. Plan of the city of Bogorodsk, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 477. Plan of the city of Vereya of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 478. Plan of the city of Vereya of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 479. Plan of the city of Volokolamsk, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 48. Map of Yaren County, with an indication of volosts, brand and delicious |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 480. Plan of Voskresensk city of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 481. Plan of the city of Dmitrov in the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 482. Plan of Zaraysk city of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 483. Plan of Zaraysk city of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 484. Plan of the city of Zvenigorod of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 485. Plan of the city of Klin, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 486. Plan of the city of Klin, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 487. Plan of the city of Kolomna in the Moscow province with a statement on the number of residents, state revenues, the number of churches, yards and other and the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 488. Plan of the city of Kolomna, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 489. The plan of the Uspensky Brusenskoye maiden's monastery in Kolomna, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 49. Geometric map of Voronezh governorship |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 490. Plans and facades of the building of the consistory in Kolomna, Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 491. Plan of Mozhaysk city of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 492. Plan of Mozhaysk city of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 493. Plan of Mozhaysk city of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 494. Plan of the Moscow city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 495. Plans of the Kremlin Fier Palace (architect Prince Ukhtomsky) in Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 496. Plans and facades of public buildings in the city of Moscow (the architect Prince Ukhtomsky) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 497. Plans and facades of the Hospital House in the city of Moscow (architect Prince Ukhtomsky) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 498. Plans of the ministerial house in the Imperial Nikitsky Garden of the city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 499. Plan of the house of attorney drinking on the banks of the Moscow River in the city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 5. Atlas cards of priests |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 50. Map of Voronezh province, indicating privileged cottages and villages |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 500. Plans and facades of the house N.I.Novikova in the city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 501. General plan of the Moscow water channel |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 502. Project [Pokrovsky] barracks in the city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 503. Plans and facades of the Kremlin Arsenal in Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 504. Facade of a strange house in the city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 505. The facade and plans of the house on the banks of the Moscow River in the parish of Nikolai Wonderworker in Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 506. Plans of the Senate House in the Kremlin (Moscow) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 507. Plans and facades of the Moscow Senate Printing House |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 508. Musical class plan and profile for girls of the Moscow Educational House |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 509. Plans of the second floor and Mesonin of the Moscow Courier House |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 51. Postal map of Voronezh province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 510. Plan and cut of the house of Prince Dolgoruky on Prechistenka in the city of Moscow |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 510 б). The draft of the hydraulic machine and the building for it in the city of Moscow, compiled by the mechanical engineer of the commission for the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior N. Merkulov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 511. The plan of the city of Nikitsk Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 512. Plan of transporting across the Pakhra River in the city of Nikitsk Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 513. Plan of the city of Podol Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 514. The plan of the city of Ruza Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 515. The plan of the city of Ruza Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 516. Pamon profile across the Ruzu River of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 517. Plans and facades of bridges located in the counties of the Moscow province: Bronnitsky, Dmitrovsky, Zvenigorod, Mozhaisk, Nikitsky, Ruzsky |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 518. The plan of the city of Serpukhov Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 519. Plans and facades of state buildings located in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.County cities of Arzamas and Balakhny of the Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 52. Landcard Vyborg Gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 520. Plans and facades of state buildings located in the city of Nizhny Novgorod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 521. Plans, facade and cut of buildings of the Sindorovsky distillery of the Krasnolobodsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 522. Plans, facades and profiles of the Brilovsky distillery of the Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 523. The plan of the city of Kurmysh [Simbirsk province] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 524. The plan of the city of Nizhny Novgorod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 525. The plan of the city of Nizhny Novgorod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 526. The plan of the city of Nizhny Novgorod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 527. Plans and facades of shopping arcades [Nizhny Novgorod province] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 528. Plans of the Nizhny Novgorod fortress (Kremlin) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 529. Plans of a state -owned full -time near the city of Nizhny Novgorod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 53. General Map of Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 530. The sheet of the Yuryevets governor about the number of residents, the number of churches, courtyards and other things and the geographical description of the city of Yuryevets with the county of the Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 531. The plan of the city of Yuryev-Povolsky (Yuryevets) Nizhny Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 532. The plan of the village and the cities of the Valdai of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 533. Plans of the city of Novgorod and county cities of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 534. Building plans in the Yamsky settlements of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 535. Plans and facades of state buildings of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 536. The plan of the lower floor of the Sofia cold cathedral in Novgorod |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 537. The geometric plan of the Moshatsk pit of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 538. Facade and plan of the House of the Main Public School in Petrozavodsk of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 539. Plans, facades and profiles of salt barnings in the city of Old Russa Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 54. General Map of Vyatka Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 540. The plan of the city of Staraya Russa of the Novgorod province with the testimony of pipes made from salt lakes |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 541. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings located in the city of Novgorod and district cities: Belozersk, Vytegra, Kargopol, Petrozavodsk, and the Venetz of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 542. The plan of the profile of the gateway on the Msta River of the Novgorod province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 543. The plans of the fortress of St. Dmitry Rostov and the abolished fortresses near her: Azov, Buttercup, St. Anne, Semenovskaya, Dazhinsky, Troitskaya (Taganrog), Ust-Dvinsky, Cherkasy Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 544. Plans, facades and profiles of state buildings of the Azov fortress of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 545. Plans and facades of state buildings of the city of Novorossiysk and cities: Kamenki, Nikopol, new Kaidaks of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 546. Atlas of plans and facades of state buildings in the city of Novorossiysk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 547. Plans and facades of state buildings in cities: Alexandria, Grigoriopol, Dubossar, Elizavetgrad, Mariupol, Novomirgorod, Pavlograd, Olviopol, Tiraspol, Kherson of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 548. Profiles of the town of Cherkassk Novorossiysk province with a test of dilapidation |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 549. Plans and facades of the state buildings of the city of Bakhmut of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 55. Landlock Part of the Azov Sea and the Don River with the indication of the location of the fortresses [Area Troops Donskoy] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 550. Plans and facades of the Bakhchisarai treasury palace of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 551. Plans and facades of state -owned houses in the city of Borislav Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 552. Port and quarantine project in the city of Odessa Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 553. Plans and facades of buildings in the city of Odessa Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 554. Plans and facades of state buildings in the city of Ochakovo Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 555. Plans and facades of state buildings of the city of Perekop Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 556. Plans and facades of state buildings located in the Perekop fortress of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 556. Estimates to the alleged buildings in Perekop |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 557. The Paleshante project in New Serbia and the profile for it [Novorossiysk province] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 558. Facade and plan of a wooden salt store in the city of Rostov of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 559. Plans and profiles of the Taganrog harbor of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 56. Map of the Yenisei province divided into 5 districts and 1 compartment |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 560. The project of stone barracks in the city of Kherson of the Novorossiysk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 561. The plan of the city of Lodeynoye Field of the Olonets province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 562. Plan of the city of Petrozavodsk Olonets province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 563. Plan for the designed fortress at the Berdin fortress of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 564. The plan of the designed fort at the Bugulminsky fortress of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 565. Plans and profiles of wine cellars in the Bugulminsky fortress of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 566. The plan of Verkhryatskaya near the Red Mountain, Uyskaya and [Wich Karachika] fortresses of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 567. The plan of the city of Orenburg with the environs |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 568. Plan and cut of the building of the Orenburg Military District Court |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 569. Plan of the Orsk fortress of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 57. Maps of counties: Irkutsk, Aklansky, Barguzinsky, Verkhneudinsky, Doroninsky, Zhigansky, Zashiversky, Izhiginsky, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhneudinsky, Nizhnekamchatsky, Olekminsky, Olensky, Okhotsk, Stretensky, Yakut Irkutsk Gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 570. Part of the city of Ufa of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 571. The plan of the city of Ufa of the Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 572. The plan of the city of Chelyabinsk Orenburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 573. The plan of the city of Bolkhov Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 574. The plan of the city of Bryansk Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 575. Plan of the Bryansk fortress of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 576. The sheet of the Bryansk governor about the number of inhabitants, state income, the number of churches, courtyards, etc. with a geographical description of the city with the county of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 577. Plans of Batoshevsky and Raditsky iron plants located in the Bryansk district of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 578. The plan of the Lyokhokonsky Ironing Plant, located in the Bryansk district of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 579. Plans of ore mines located in the Bryansk district of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 58. General geographical map of Irkutsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 580. The plan of the city of Deshkin Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 581. The plan of the city of Dmitrovka Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 582. Plan of the city of Yelets Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 583. The plan of the city of Yelets Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 584. 1 l. |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 585. The plan of the city of Kroma Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 586. The plan of the city of Livna with a statement about the number of residents, official income, the number of churches, courtyards and more and the geographical description of the city with the county of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 587. The plan of the city of Livna of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 588. Plan of the city of Lugan of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 589. The plan of the city of Maloarkhangelsk Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 59. Olkhon Island Plan on Lake Baikal |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 590. The plan of the city of Mtsensk Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 591. The plan of the city of Orel |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 592. Plans of state buildings in the city of Orel (Governor-General and Present places) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 593. Plans of state buildings in the provincial city of Oryol |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 594. The draft building of the District Court in the city of Oryol |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 595. The plan of the city of Sevsk Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 596. Plan of the city of Trubchevsk Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 597. Plans of official distillery in the Trubchevsky district of the Oryol province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 598. Plans and facades of state buildings in the city of Saratov and in the district cities of the Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 599. Plan of the city of Verkhny Lomov Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 6. Atlas cards of priests |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 60. The map of the Irkutsk province, divided into 5 districts, the Yakut region and two seaside governments: Okhotsk and Kamchatka, without separation into districts |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 600. Plan of the city of Verkhny Lomov Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 601. Plan of the city of the settlement of the Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 602. The plan of the city of Insarai Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 603. Plan of the city of Kerensk Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 604. 2 l. |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 605. Plan of the city of Krasnoslobodsk Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 606. Plan of the city of Mokshan Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 607. The plan of the city of Narovst Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 608. Street map Nizhniy Lomov Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 609. Plan of the city of Saransk Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 61. Mercator Map of the County of the Nerchinsky Mining |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 610. The plan of the city of Troitska Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 611. The plan of the city of Chebar Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 612. Plan Sheshkaev Plan Penza Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 613. Geometric cities plans: Insar, Penza, Saransk Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 614. Plans and facades of Ostrogs and prison castles in the county cities of the Penza province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 615. The plan of the distillery on the Olkhovka River of the Perm province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 616. Plans and facades of state buildings located in the city of Perm |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 617. Plan of the monastery located on the banks of the Kama River in the city of Perm |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 618. Plan of the city of Cherdyn Perm province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 619. Plan of the city of Shadrinsk Perm province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 62. The plan of the Earth allocated to the newly under construction of the mountain plant of Hitten-Fervalter Sibiryakov down on the Arguni River |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 620. Plan Perm Plan Plan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 621. Plan of the Talitsky Vinokhniye Plant in the Yekaterinburg County of the Perm province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 622. The facade of the building [in Vinnitsa] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 623. Plans and facades of the house of Count de Witt in the city of Kamenetz-Podolsk Podolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 624. Plans and facades of state buildings, quarantines and customs of the Podolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 625. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings of the Podolsk province (buildings of abolished Jesuit institutions) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 626. Plan and facade of the "House of Causions", turned into Ornnanance Gauz of the Podolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 627. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings in the city of Pskov and district cities: Velikiye Luki, Novorzhev, Opochka, Porkhov of the Pskov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 628. Plan of the city of Dinburg Pskov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 629. The plan of the city of Pskov and the district cities of the Pskov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 63. General Map of Caucasian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 630. Plan of the city of Opochka Pskov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 631. Plan of the city of Polotsk Pskov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 632. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings of the city of Ryazan and district cities of the Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 633. The plan of the city of Dankov's Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 634. The plan of the city of Yegoryevsk Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 635. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings of the city of Ryazan and district cities of the Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 636. Plans and facades of the official buildings of the Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 637. The plan of the city of Kasimov Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 638. The plan of the city of Mikhailov Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 639. The geometric special plan of the city of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky Ryazan province with a statement about the number of inhabitants, official income, the number of churches, courtyards and other things, and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 64. Border Map Between Earth Troops Donskoy and Caucasian Governments |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 640. Plan of the city of Pronsk Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 641. Plan of the city of Ranienburg Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 642. Plan of the city of Ranienburg Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 643. The plan of the city of Ryazhsk Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 644. Plan of the city of Ryazan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 645. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings of the city of Ryazan |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 646. City Plan of the Ryazan province. |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 647. The plan of the city of Skopin of the Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 648. Street map of Spassk Ryazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 649. Plans and facade of the veterinary school in the city of Gatchina in the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 65. General Map of the Kazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 650. Plan of the Kolpino plant of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 651. The plan of the city of Koporye St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 652. Plans and facades of the buildings of the paper factory P.K.Khlebnikova in Koporsky district of St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 653. Plans and profiles of the Kronshlit fortress of the city of Kronstadt of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 654. Plans of the city of Kronstadt of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 655. Plans, facades and profiles of port structures and hydraulic devices of the Kronstadt of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 656. A plan of the wired channel and the Italian pond in Kronstadt, indicating the work performed;plans and facades of the Kronstad and Oranienbaum schools of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 657. Plan of the city of Narva St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 658. Plan of the Narva Fortress and the Ivangorod Castle of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 659. Plan of the city of Narva St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 66. General and geometric map of the Kazan province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 660. The plan of the Forvator from the city of Narva: along the river Narov before its confluence with the Gulf of Finland [St. Petersburg province] |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 661. The plan of the city of Oranienbaum of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 662. Plan of the city of Pavlovsk and its dacha of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 663. RGIA |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 664. The plan of the terrain between Pulkov and Gatchina of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 665. Plans and profiles of the Pulkovo highway of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 666. The plan of the city of Rozhino St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 667. The plan of the city of St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 668. Shipping Hospital Plan in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 669. Plane Hospital Plans on the Neva River in the city of St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 67. Border Map of Kaluga province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 670. Plan of the Stone House on the way to Shlisselburg with the Perestroika project |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 671. 1732 |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 672. Home and brewery plans near Kalinkin Bridge in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 673. Buildings plan for the city of St. Petersburg (architect P. Eropkin) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 674. Plan of Alexander-Nevsky Square of St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 675. Project of the Mouse Yard St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 676. Plan of the Fontanka River with adjacent quarters and squares of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 677. The project of the house of Prince Yusupov on Fontanka in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 678. Plans and facades of the House of the Main Directorate of Railways in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 679. Plans and facade of the house on the banks of the Neva River of the St. Petersburg province (signatures in French) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 68. Two General Maps of Kaluga Primary, divided into 12 counties and cards 12 counties: Borovsky, Vysotryan, Kaluga, Kozelsky, Likhvinsky, Maloyaroslava, Medinsky, Meshovsky, Mosalsky, Peremysh, Serpene, Tuskaya |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 680. Mint project in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 681. The plan of the Moika River and the channels of the St. Petersburg province flowing into it |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 682. Plan of the Stone Island of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 683. Plans of the House of the Department of Dolly of the Middle and Upper floors |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 684. The project of a chain bridge across the Bolshaya Neva River against St. Isaac's Cathedral [in the city of St. Petersburg] of St. Petersburg Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 685. Plans of the building of the Military-industrial house of 1817 and the St. Petersburg Sirot Institute Nicholas I |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 686. The project of the Senate building of the St. Petersburg province (architect P. Zhako) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 687. Plans and facades of the Senate and Synod building.Architect K. Rossi |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 687. The project of the facade of the buildings of the Holy Synod and the Governing Senate. Architect K. Rossi |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 688. Plans for the Prosecutor General of the House |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 689. The general plan of the Obvodny Canal of the St. Petersburg province, with the adjacent area |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 69. Map of Maloyaroslets district distinguished by three parts and allotted to Kaluga, Borovsky and Tusk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 690. The design of part of the city behind the Obvodny Canal between the Black River and the Tsarskoye Selo Outpost of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 691. The general plan of the old part of the Obvodny Canal with the indication of the buildings and places that have gone beyond its reversal |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 692. Plan of the part of the city located on the south side of the Obvodny Canal of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 693. The trigonometric network for the plan of the city at the Obvodny Canal of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 694. Project to restructure the wooden coast of Kryukov Canal near New Holland |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 695. Projects of two wooden bridges across the Obvodny Canal and the Black River at their mouths along the Neva River of the St. Petersburg Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 696. Drawings of the Bank and Nikolsky bridges [in St. Petersburg], St. Petersburg Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 697. The project of the guard house on the Obvodny Channel [in St. Petersburg] St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 698. The plan of the House of his own imperial majesty of the Chancellery on Malaya Italian Street, the corner of the Catherine Canal [in the city of St. Petersburg] St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 699. The plan of the courtyards along the banks of the Moika River of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 7. Atlas cards of priests |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 70. The map of the Caspian Sea with the surrounding possessions of Russia, Persia and lands on the east coast |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 700. The plan of the courtyards along the banks of the Moika River of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 701. General plans of the barracks of the Guards regiments of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 702. Drawings of the building of the school of law of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 703. Plans of the Neva River and its shores from Lake Ladoga to the confluence of the Gulf of Finland of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 704. Sofia Plan of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 705. Plan of the city of Shlisselburg St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 706. Plan of the Shlisselburg fortress of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 707. The construction project of the Stone Cathedral Church in the city of Shlisselburg St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 708. Part of the Neva River Part of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 709. The plan of the city of Yamburg St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 71. Map of Kiev province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 710. RGIA |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 711. The plan of the city of Yamburg St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 712. Plans of state buildings in the city of Yamburg St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 713. Profiles of the Neva River of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 714. The plan of the Neva River of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 715. Plan of the Ladoga Canal of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 716. Plan, longitudinal and transverse profiles of the Shlisselburg wooden gateway of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 717. Plan and transverse profile of the Channel of the St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 717. Plans and facades of the House of Active Statsky Advisor to Obolensky in Tsarskoye Selo of St. Petersburg province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 718. City plans: Atkarsk, Balashev, Sarept, Uzeni of the Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 719. Plans for abolished cities: settlement, Mokshana Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 72. General Map of Kiev province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 720. Facade of the Viceroy House in the city of Saratov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 721. Facades for building stone and wooden houses in the city of Saratov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 722. Plan and facade of the salt store on the Berezovsky salt mines of the Saratov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 723. The plan of the city of Yeniseisk of the Siberian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 724. The plan of the district city of Alatyr Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 725. The plan of the city of Alatyr of the Simbirsk province with a statement about the number of residents, official income, the number of churches, courtyards and other things and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 726. The plan of the Trinity Monastery in the city of Alatyr Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 727. Boinsk County City Plan Simbirsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 728. The plan of the county city of Insara Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 729. County City Plan of Korsuni Simbirsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 73. Special map of controversial soils (lands) of different owners on the border of the Starodubovsky Regiment [Chernihiv province] with the Polish region |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 730. County city of Kurmysh of the Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 731. The sheet of the Petrovsky governor’s office of the Simbirsk province about the number of inhabitants, official income, the number of churches, courtyards and other things and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 732. Plan of the city of Samara Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 733. The plan of the district city of Saransk Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 734. Simbirsk City Plan Simbirsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 735. Simbirsk City Plan Simbirsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 736. Plans and facades of the barracks in the city of Simbirsk Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 737. The plan of the district city of Stavropol Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 738. Ordonance Gauz plan in the city of Stavropol Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 739. Syzran's County City Plan Simbirsk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 74. Special Map of the Kiev Regiment, lying on Kiev on Polmili from Vasilkova, from apughene to the Irpen River, indicating the intercourse, villages, villages and all |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 740. Cities' plans Samara and Stavropol Symbirian province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 741. Plans and profiles of distillery factories: Abdulovsky, Verkhne-Melenikovsky, Angasyatsky, Melkess Simbirsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 742. RGIA |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 743. The plan of the city of Vyazma Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 744. Plans of distillery in Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 745. The plan of the city of Gzhatsk Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 746. The plan of the city of Gzhatsk Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 747. Plans of the city of Dorogobuzh of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 748. The plan of the city of Dorogobuzh of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 749. Gostiny Dvor Plan in the city of Dorogobuzh of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 75. Special map of controversial lands of the Bunchukov Comrades of the Starodubovsky Regiment of Nikolai Borozny and Peter Chernolutsky |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 750. The plan of the city of the Dukhovshchina of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 751. Street map Yelnya Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 752. The plan of the city of Krasnoye Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 753. Plan of the city of Porechye Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 754. The plan of the city of Roslavl Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 755. The plan of the city of Roslavl Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 756. The plan of the city of Smolensk of the Smolensk province with a statement about the number of residents, official income, the number of churches, courtyards and other things and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 757. The plan of the city of Smolensk Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 758. The plan of the city of Smolensk Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 759. The project of the Stone Palace in the city of Smolensk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 76. Russian border map with Poland, from Smolensk province to Kiev and around Kiev to Dnieper |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 760. Sample facades for the construction of stone private houses and trading shops in the cities of Smolensk and Gzhatsk Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 761. Plans and facades of state buildings of the city of Smolensk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 762. Projects of houses on Molokhovskaya Street (cities of Smolensk) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 763. Plans of bridges across the Dnieper River and their location on the plan (City of Smolensk) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 764. Plans and facades of state buildings of the city of Smolensk and district cities of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 765. The plan of the city of Sychevok of the Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 766. The plan of the city of Yukhnov Smolensk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 767. The plan of the city of Etambemov Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 768. The plan of the city of Kozlov of the Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 769. The plan of the city of Morshansk Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 77. Special border map of the border with Polish regions passing from Kiev to Vasilkov, from quarantine to the Dnieper River to the packs and before Pereslavl |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 770. Plans of a Salotoped Plant in the city of Morshansk Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 771. Plans and facades of the state buildings of the city of Tambov Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 772. The plan of the city of Shatska Tambov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 773. Plans and cuts of the Tambov province of the Tambov Vino |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 774. The plan of the village of Vyshny Volochka Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 775. The plan of the city of Vyshny Volochka Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 776. The plan of the city of Zubtsov of the Tver province with a statement about the number of inhabitants, state income, the number of churches, courtyards and so on, and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 777. The plan of the city of Kashin of the Tver province with a statement about the number of inhabitants, state income, the number of churches, courtyards and so on, and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 778. City Plan of Korchev Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 779. Plan and facade of the bridge at the village of Medny Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 78. The geometric general plan of the boundary conducted between the Ekaterinoslav and Kiev governors |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 780. Plan of the city of Ostashkov Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 781. Plan of the Ostashkovskaya settlement of the Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 782. Plan and facade of the built buildings in the city of Rzhev Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 783. Plans and facades of stone houses in the city of Tver (architect Kvasov) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 784. Plans and facades of state buildings located in the city of Tver |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 785. Plans and facades of the Governor's house and public places in the city of Tver (architect P. Nikitin) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 786. Plans of military infirmaries in the city of Tver (architect K. Rossi) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 787. Plans and facades of the barracks in the city of Torzhok Tver province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 788. Plans, facade, cut and profile of the building of the district court in Tiflis of the Tiflis province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 789. Plans and facades of state buildings located in the Omsk fortress of the Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 79. The geometric general plan of the border held between Kiev and Ekaterinoslav governors |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 790. Plans and profiles of the building of an quartermaster warehouse in the city of Omsk Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 791. Plan of the Semipalatinsk fortress and the city of Semipalatinsk Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 792. Plans and facades of state buildings of the city of Tobolsk Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 793. Plans and facades of the state buildings of the city of Tobolsk Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 794. Plans of the building of present places in the city of Tobolsk Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 795. Plans and facades of cordguard, watchtog boots and gates in the fortress of the city of Tobolsk Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 796. The location of the Tobolsk Znamensky Monastery of the Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 797. Facades of the alleged buildings at the Tobolsk Znamensky Monastery of the Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 798. Plans and profiles of distillery factories: Vorovlynsky, Yekaterininsky, Kamensky, Rologa, Petrovsky in the Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 799. Plans of the Verkhne-Ingashevsky and Nizhne-Ingashevsky villages and their cottages of the Tobolsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 8. Hydrographic map of the Russian Empire, with indication of the streets of the communication |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 80. Card boundaries between Russia and Poland |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 800. Plans and facades of state buildings in the cities: Aleksin, Belevo, Venev, Efremov, Kashira, Tula of the Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 801. City plan Belev Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 802. City plan of Bogoroditsk, Tula Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 803. City plan Venev Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 804. City plan of Epiphanius of Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 805. City plan of Efremov, Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 806. Plan of the city of Kashira in the Tula province with a statement of the number of inhabitants, state revenues, the number of churches, courtyards, etc., and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 807. План города Каширы Тульской губернии |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 808. City plan for Krapivna of Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 809. Plan of the city of Novosil of the Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 81. Map of Russia with the Polish Republic, with Austrian possessions and with the regions of the ports of Ottoman |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 810. City plan Odoev Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 811. Plan of the city of Tula Province of Tula with a statement of the number of inhabitants, state revenues, the number of churches, courtyards, etc., and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 812. The plan of the city of Tula Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 813. Special plan of the bridge of the city of Tula, Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 814. City plan Cherni Tula province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 815. Plans and facades of buildings for military needs in the tract of the Ussuri region |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 816. Plans of the cities of the Kharkov province (Slobodsko-Ukrainian) Akhtyrki, Izum, Sumy, Kharkov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 817. The plan of the city of Akhtyrki Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 818. The plan of the city of Belopolia Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 819. The plan of the city of Bogodukhov Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 82. Border map between Kiev and Volyn provinces |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 820. The plan of the city of Valok Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 821. The plan of the city of Volchansk Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 822. The plan of the city of Zolochev Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 823. The plan of the city of Izyum Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 824. The plan of the city of Krasnokutsk Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 825. The plan of the city of Lebedin Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 826. Vedication of the Lipetsk and Marefin Voivodsk Chancellery of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 827. The plan of the city of the Miropolier of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 828. Plan of the city of Nedrigailov Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 829. The plan of the city of Ostrogozhsk of the Kharkov province with a statement about the number of inhabitants, state income, the number of churches, courtyards, etc. with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 83. General Map of the Kostroma province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 830. The sheet of the Sumy Provincial Chancellery of the Kharkov province about the number of residents, state income, the number of churches, courtyards and more and the geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 831. The plan of the city of Sumy Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 832. Plans and facades of the state buildings of the city of Kharkov and cities: Izum, Krasnokutsk, Ostrogozhsk, Sum, Kharkov Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 833. Vedica of the town of Khotomli Kharkov province about the number of residents, official income, the number of churches, courtyards and so on, and with a geographical description of the place with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 834. The plan of the city of Khotmyzhsk Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 835. The plan of the city of Chuguev Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 836. The plan of the city of Saltov of the Kharkov province with a statement about the number of inhabitants, state income, the number of churches, courtyards, etc. with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 837. The plan of the village of Yamny and adjacent Cossack lands of the Akhtyr regiment of the Kharkov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 838. City plans: Bereti, Borza, Nezhin, Chernigov Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 839. The plan of the city of Glukhov Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 84. General Map of the Kostroma province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 840. Plan of the Glukhov fortress of the Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 841. Plans and facades of state buildings in the city of Glukhov Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 842. Plans and facades of state buildings in the city of Chernigov Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 843. Plan and facade of the Gamaleevsky Monastery of the Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 844. Sketches of plans and facades of the building of the Novgorod-Seversky District Court of the Chernihiv province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 845. Plan Redut in the Slobods Zlynka and Dobryanka Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 846. Plans of a manor place and building of the Starodubovsky District Court of Chernigov province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 847. Plans and cut of the building of the Chernihiv district court |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 848. The plan of the Revel Military Harbor of the Estland province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 849. Plans, facades and profiles of Revel Port structures and projects of new harbors of the Estland province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 85. General Map of Kostroma Vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 850. City plans: Rostov, Uglich of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 851. Plans and facades of state -owned buildings of cities: Danilova, love, Mologa, Myshkin, Petrovsk, Poshekhonya, Rostov, Yaroslavl of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 852. The plan of the city of Borisoglebsk of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 853. Danilov's city plan for the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 854. The plan of the city is loved by the Yaroslavl province with a statement about the number of residents, state income, the number of churches, courtyards and other things, and with a geographical description of the city with the county |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 855. The plan of the city is loved by the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 856. The plan of the city of Mologa of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 857. The plan of the city of Myshkin of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 858. Plan of the city of Petrovsk of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 859. The plan of the city of the Posteriye Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 86. Maps of Courneda Gubernia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 860. The plan of the city of the Poshekhonya of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 861. Plan of the city of Romanov Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 862. Plan of the city of Romanov Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 863. The plan of the city of Rostov of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 864. Plan of the city of Rybnoy (Rybinsk) of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 865. The plan of the city of Rybinsk of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 866. The plan of the city of Uglich of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 867. The project of stone one -story barracks in the city of Uglich of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 868. The plan of the city of Yaroslavl Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 869. The plan of the city of Yaroslavl Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 87. Map of Kursk Vcrchristia |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 870. Plan of the provincial city of Yaroslavl Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 871. The project of stone barracks in the city of Yaroslavl Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 872. Plans and facades of state buildings in cities: Bogoroditsk, Petrovsk, Rostov of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 873. Plans and facades of the barracks for troops guided by construction in cities: Kyiv, Riga, St. Petersburg, Kherson |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 874. Plans and facades of the governor with services (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 875. Plans and facades of the stone house of an almshouse (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 876. The plan of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 877. The plan of the Upper Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Criminal (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 878. Plans and facade of a wooden cavalry house with a court and garden (the whereabouts are unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 879. Plans and facades of the house of the court adviser Timiryazev (the whereabouts are unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 88. Geometric Map of Kursk Vicarity |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 880. Plans and facade of the stone building (bakery) (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 881. Plans, facade and profile of the Harchery huts of the Yaroslavl province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 882. Facades of exemplary wooden private houses (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 883. Plans and facades of the estate with three two -story stone houses (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 884. The plan of the cannon yard with the office, the store, the workshop, the foundry, the barn, where the guns and so on are drilled (the whereabouts are unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 885. Plans and facades of the Manege, Gostiny Dvor and Vazhny (the whereabouts are unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 886. Plans and facades of buildings for military need: barracks, powder cellars and so on (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 887. Plans and facades of a one-story building of the barracks and Ordonance Gauz in the provincial city (the whereabouts are unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 888. Plans and facades of the guardhouse and cord agardia (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 889. The plan of the street with an area with their boulevards and palisades located at the edges (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 89. General Map of the Kursk province and part of the Slobodsko-Ukrainian |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 890. Monument to the Empress Catherine II (drawing with a pen) (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 891. The project of the device of new state roads (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 892. The plan and cuts of the distillery (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 893. The plan of the estate and the houses of the Bogoroditsky Beses (the whereabouts are unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 894. Plan, facade, longitudinal and transverse cuts of Baylta at Lake Oererov |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 895. Plan and profile of Baylta at the island of Oak on the mouth |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 896. Plans and facades of barracks (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 897. Sketch cuts of church buildings (without inscriptions) (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 898. The facade of the stone trading bath in the provincial city (location is unknown) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 899. Album of exemplary facades of wooden houses intended for construction in district cities (printed) |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 9. General Map of the location of specific estibilities by provinces with an indication in which the cities are established by the expedition of the lots |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 90. General Map of Kursk Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 900. Atlas of facades of houses according to the peasant model with plans for the location of villages on the highway.Lithography of the Main Directorate of Transa and Public Buildings in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 901. Senate building plans |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 91. Semitographic map of Liflaland |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 92. Map of Minsk province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 93. Map of part separated from Minsk province to Polotsk |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 94. Map of the part separated from the Minsk province to Mogilev |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 95. Map of Mogilev Province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 96. Geometric map of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 97. Geometric map of Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 98. Geographical map of the Moscow province |
РГИА. 1399 / 1 / 99. Map of Moscow province, divided into 13 counties |