Internet communications as forms of civil influence on the adoption of political and managerial decisions in Russia

Avzalova, Elmira Ilgizovna (candidate of political sciences, 1989-).    
Internet communications as a form of civil influence on the adoption of political and managerial decisions in Russia: the thesis abstract for the degree of candidate of political science: specialty 23.00.02 / Avzalova Elmira Ilgizovna; [Kazan. (Privolzh.) Feder. un-t]. - Kazan, 2015. - 23 with. -
Location of protection: Kazan. (Privolzh.) Feder. un-t. - List of works avt .: p. 22-23 (10 names). - Bibliograf. in a substring. note
1. Russian language (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Political institutions, processes and technologies. 4. INTERNET, the global information network - Application in politics - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Political Communication - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
ББК 60.524.224.56я031
ББК 66.042я031
ББК 66.3 (2Рос), 1я031
Source of electronic copy: KFU. Website
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