Cuttings from the newspapers Birzhevye Vedomosti, Novaya Zhizn, Rech, Evening Time, Live Word and other newspapers with articles...

Identifier 8ccfd061-9210-469b-9f24-14a37776f756
Title Cuttings from the newspapers Birzhevye Vedomosti, Novaya Zhizn, Rech, Evening Time, Live Word and other newspapers with articles and notes on the ministers of the Provisional Government, about the generals Kornilov and Kaledin, about the Cossacks and other issues
Dates 1917

Часть текста на французском языке

Лист 89 - вырезана правая нижняя часть листа

Напечатано типографским способом

Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 9505 / 1 / 43
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Series 1917
Extent 165 листов
Creator Россия. Временное правительство
Fonds Central Committee of Social and Political Education.
Display format