Kornilov affair

The most important event of 1917 was the attempt to establish a military dictatorship in the country. It was undertaken in August (September) by the infantry general Lavr Georgievich Kornilov and went down in history as the Kornilov affair.
The collection features memoirs of contemporaries, which cover not only Kornilov's actions but also the general political situation in Russia at that time; articles from numerous periodicals of various political orientations (Vestnik Vremennogo Pravitelstva, Rech, Russkaya Volya, Social-Democrat, etc.); research devoted to different regions of the country and the events that took place in them during the putsch; an extensive array of archival materials, in particular, telegrams and proclamations by Lavr Kornilov. It also includes documents of the Petrograd Soviet reflecting the emergence of resistance by the revolutionary democracy to the general's actions, papers of the office of the Provisional Government, letters, telegrams, protocols, resolutions and appeals of individuals and public organizations from all over Russia on the political moment, as well as investigation files of the trial of Lavr Kornilov and his followers.