The labor movement and the strikes of the beginning in 1917
The labor movement and the strikes of the beginning in 1917

The labor movement, the strikes of the beginning in 1917 At the beginning of 1917 in Russia class contradictions have aggravated, a dissatisfaction of the workers with their state increased, which led to an escalation in the number of strikes and contributed to rise of a revolutionary situation.
Offered materials reveal some aspects of the labor movement shortly before the February Revolution and tell about the significant strikes in the country.
- Research works
Essay on the history of the revolutionary movement in Russia
Balabanov, Mikhail Solomonovich (1873-). Essay on the history of the revolutionary movement in Russia. Leningrad: The Surf, 1929.Главы «Годы войны», раздел «Рабочее движение» (сканы 287-291); «Перед Революцией» (сканы 292-307)The February Revolution
Gaisinsky, Mikhail Grigorievich (doctor of historical sciences, 1884-?). The February Revolution. Moscow: The Young Guard, 1927; Leningrad.Главы «Царская Россия накануне Февраля» (сканы 11-37); «Февральские дни» (сканы 37-53)February strike of workers of Izhevsk factories February 17 - 27, 1917
Korotkov, D.S.February strike of workers of Izhevsk plants on February 17 - 27, 1917. Izhevsk: publication of the Izhrazavkoma Party of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1927.Working February
Milchik, Isai Isaevich (1879-1938). Working February. Moscow: OGIZ - Young Guard, 1931; Leningrad.Textiles of Leningrad in 1917.
Perazich, Vladimir Davidovich (1867-). Textiles of Leningrad in 1917 Leningrad: publication of the Leningrad department of the All-Union Textile Workers' Union, 1927.Главы «Стихийное движение» (сканы 11-24); «Первые шаги организационного оформления» (сканы 24-36)Workers' movement in 1917
Workers' movement in 1917. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.Главы «Забастовочное движение перед Февральской революцией (сканы 17-26); «Участие рабочих в Февральском перевороте» (сканы 27-42)Working and professional movement during the First World War and the Second Russian Revolution (1914 - February 1917)
Romanov, Philip A. (Candidate of Historical Sciences). Working and professional movement during the First World War and the Second Russian Revolution (1914 - February 1917). [Moscow]: Publishing House of the Trade Unions of Ukraine, Profizdat, 1949.Глава «Победа Февральской буржуазно-демократической революции в 1917 г.» (сканы 190-210)Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe February Revolution of 1917 in Russia
Favstov, Georgy Andreevich. The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1956.События января - начала февраля 1917 года (сканы 49-53)Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe working class and the CPSU (B.) In the February revolution
Shelavin, Konstantin Ivanovich (1886-1934). The working class and the CPSU (B.) In the February Revolution. Leningrad: The Surf, [1927]. - Archival materials
Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and various institutions on various issues: on the excitement of the Putilov factory workers on February 4 - 5, 1915, and on the development of binding regulations in this connection; on the
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers with various institutions on various issues: on the excitement of the Putilov factory workers on February 4 - 5, 1915, and on the development, in this connection, of binding regulations; on the prohibition of public meetings; and others9 января 1917 г. - 20 января 1917 г. С. 183-188 (сканы 201-208)According to members of the State. thoughts about repression of the government in relation to workers and their professional organizations
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
According to the statement of the members of the State. thoughts about repression of the government in relation to workers and their professional organizations.At the factories and plants of Petrograd after the 5th of January
At the factories and plants of Petrograd after the 5th of January. [1918].The meeting "Famine"
Meeting "Hunger". [Petrograd]: Printing house "Working Press", [1917].