Political Activity of Youth as a Channel of Social Mobility in Modern Russian Society

Barseghyan, Vardan Meruzhanovich    
Political activity of youth as a channel of social mobility in the modern Russian society: the abstract of the dis. to the soisk. uch. step. candidate of political sciences: specialty 23.00.02 / Barsegyan Vardan Meruzhanovich; [Nats. Issled. un. "Higher School of Economics"]. - Moscow, 2016. -28 p. ; 21 cm. -
Location of protection: National. Issled. un-t "Higher School of Economics." - Bibliography: p. 27-28 (9 items).
1. The people (the collection). 2. Political institutions, processes and technologies.
BBK 60.542.152.031
BBK 66.053y031
Source of the electronic copy: HSE. Website
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