Forests, forestry and forestry in Tambov province

Yurin, Nikolai Terentevich    
Forests, forestry and forestry in the Tambov Gubernia / [composition] NT Yurin, the head of the Tambov Department of Agriculture and States. property; Tambov Department of Agriculture and State Property. - Tambov: Typo-lithography of t / d. "N. Berdonosov, F. Prigorin and Co.," 1913. -127 p., 1 p. Table. ; 25 cm. -
Bibliography in footnotes.
1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Tambov region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. Forestry - Tambov Gubernia.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Tam) 53-2
BBK 65.03 (28-8Tam) 53
BBK 65.341
The source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin of the original: Gos. Archive of the Tambov Region
Publisher Типо-литография т/д. "Н. Бердоносов, Ф. Пригорин и К°"
Catalogue object