- Kostroma province
Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. T. 13. Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province
Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. Kostroma: Kostroma provincial zemstvo, 1907-1920.
Dubyuk, Evgeny Fedorovich (1876-1942). Т. 13: Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province. 1912.Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. T. 13. Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province
Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. Kostroma: Kostroma provincial zemstvo, 1907-1920.
Dubyuk, Evgeny Fedorovich (1876-1942). Т. 13: Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province. 1912.Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. T. 13. Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province
Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. Kostroma: Kostroma provincial zemstvo, 1907-1920.
Dubyuk, Evgeny Fedorovich (1876-1942). Т. 13: Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province. 1915. - Ryazan province
Statistical information about the Ryazan province in the forest relation
Polonsky, Felix Mikhailovich (1835-1882). Statistical information about the Ryazan province in the forest relation. St. Petersburg: Typography and lithography A. E. Landau, 1874. - Tambov province
Forests, forestry and forestry in Tambov province
Yurin, Nikolay Terentyevich. Forests, forestry and forestry in Tambov province. Tambov: Typo-lithography of t / d. "N. Berdonosov, F. Prigorin and Co.," 1913.