Political Internet communication in the modern regional space

Mikhailova, Ayuna Mikhailovna    
Political Internet communication in the modern regional space: (on the materials of the Republic of Buryatia): author's abstract. dis. to the soisk. scientist. step. Cand. polit. Sciences: specialty 23.00.02 / Mihaylova Ayuna Mihaylovna; [Buryat. state. un-t]. - Ulan-Ude, 2007. -24 p. ; 21 cm. -
Bibliography: p. 23-24 (7th name) and in the footnote. note.
. -100 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Republic of Buryatia (collection). 3. Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies.
BBK 66.042y031
BBK 66.3 (2Ros), 1я031
BBK 60.524.224.56я031
Source of electronic copy: BSU. Website
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