A note on the agreement concluded between the Chinese Government and the Russian-Chinese Bank on the construction and operation ...

Identifier 620568f2-e4f1-40e6-a6fc-e369bf8a20d4
Title A note on the agreement concluded between the Chinese Government and the Russian-Chinese Bank on the construction and operation of the railway in Manzhuria
Dates 1896

Папка 22. Документы касаемые взятия Порт-Артура.

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1622 / 1 / 118
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1845-1930.
Extent 4 листа
Creator Китайская Восточная железная дорога
Fonds Witte, gr. Sergei Yulievich (1849-1915), Minister of Railways, Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Chairman of the Council of Ministers
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