- Владимирская губерния
Perspective and operational plan of measures for the restoration and development of rural and forestry in the Vladimir province for 1924-1929
A promising and operational plan of measures for the restoration and development of rural and forestry in the Vladimir province for 1924-1929. Vladimir: The edition of the Vladimir provincial land administration, 1925. - Костромская губерния
Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. T. 13. Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province
Materials for the evaluation of land Kostroma province. Kostroma: Kostroma provincial zemstvo, 1907-1920.
Dubyuk, Evgeny Fedorovich (1876-1942). Т. 13: Forests and Forestry of Kostroma Province. 1920. - Рязанская губерния
- Ярославская губерния
Minutes of the meetings of the Main Forestry Committee, the Commission for the Estimates of the Financial and Economic Department of the Supreme Economic Council and the Interdepartmental Meeting at Rybinsk Gubeskome
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Minutes of the meetings of the Main Forest Committee, the Commission for the Estimates of the Financial and Economic Department of the Supreme Economic Council and the Interdepartmental Meeting at the Rybinsk Gubeskome.